PARIS — Striking sanitation workers in Paris are scheduled to return to work on Wednesday, possibly ending one of the most enduring symbols of opposition to French President Emmanuel Marcon’s contentious pension bill, as nationwide protests appeared to be winding down.
Cleanup crews were set to begin picking up heaps of trash that had accumulated during their weekslong strike, which began on March 6 — as well as debris from the streets following the tenth national anti-pension reform demonstration a day earlier.
Trash mounds weighing up to 10,000 tons along the streets of Paris have become a striking visual and olfactory symbol of opposition to Marcon’s bill increasing the retirement age from 62 to 64.
The powerful CGT union representing sanitation workers declared that the three-week-long strike would be “suspended” as of Wednesday, sending waves of relief among some Paris residents. They will join others legally compelled to assist with the difficult cleanup procedure over the last week.
“It’s great that the trash is being gathered. It’s filthy, and rats and mice already plague some inhabitants. “It can be dangerous if left too long,” said 73-year-old artist Gil Franco.
Some see the strike suspension combined with dwindling protest numbers.
Some see the strike suspension, combined with dwindling protest numbers, as the beginning of the end of protests against the pension measure.
“People are sick of hearing it. There has been far too much bloodshed. “Paris is a mess, and I just want to get back to normal life,” said Amandine Betout, 32, of Paris, while getting her morning croissant in the Marais neighborhood. She called it a “good thing” that garbage is being swept up from the streets, even though the cleanup could take some time.
Bisk, a single-named artist known for his creative trash sculptures, said his work had added fun to otherwise tense demonstrations, reminding Parisians of the lighter side of life.
“People come in all serious, then see a monster’s face or a little man and leave smiling.” People have praised the 30-year-old artist for “puncturing the mood.”
Bisk stated that he has worked on approximately 100 trash bin’sculptures’ since March 6, making fantastical monster faces with mad eyes or little friendly men — which have taken on a life of their own on social media.
The Paris protests on Tuesday saw dozens of arrests and flare-ups of violence.
“Everyone is tense, and when I’m working, I’m stopped by police because they think I’m going to set fire to the trash – but I’m just doing art,” Bisk explained. “I’m not a politician.” “I just turn garbage into gold.”
The Paris protests on Tuesday saw dozens of arrests and flare-ups of violence, even though far fewer people took part in the national action.
The Interior Ministry reported 740,000 demonstrators nationwide, down from more than a million five days ago, when protesters expressed outrage at Macron’s order to force the measure through parliament without a vote.
The fight against the legislation is far from over for unions. On April 6, there will be an eleventh day of activity.