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Warren Buffett Has Finally Revealed What Will Happen To His Money After He Dies




Warren Buffett suddenly changed how his vast fortune would be spent after his death.

Buffett, 93, the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, told the Wall Street Journal that he has revised his will and does not intend to continue making payments to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation after his death. He plans to place his riches in a new charity trust controlled by his three children.

“The Gates Foundation has no money coming after my death,” Buffett told the Journal.

Buffett | Fortune image

Warren Buffett Has Finally Revealed What Will Happen To His Money After He Dies

Buffett told the Journal that he had altered his will multiple times, and he put together the most recent plan because he believes in his children’s beliefs and how they will share his fortune. Each of Buffett’s children runs a charitable organization.

“I feel very, very good about the values of my three children, and I have 100% trust in how they will carry things out,” Buffett said in a Journal interview.

Previously, Buffett stated in his will that more than 99% of his estate would be donated to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and four family-related charities: the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, Sherwood Foundation, Howard G. Buffett Foundation, and the NoVo Foundation.

Buffett plans to continue making donations to the Gates Foundation during his lifetime.

Berkshire Hathaway announced Friday that Buffett is changing around 9,000 Class A shares into more than 13 million Class B shares. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust will receive around 9.3 million shares, with the remainder distributed among the four Buffett family charities.

“Warren Buffett has been exceedingly generous to the Gates Foundation through more than 18 years of contributions and advice,” the foundation’s CEO, Mark Suzman, told CNN. “We are deeply grateful for his most recent gift and contributions totaling approximately $43 billion to our work.” (Melinda stated in May that she would leave the group; her last day was June 7, but the foundation’s name has not yet changed.)

Buffett donated over $870 million to his family’s four organizations last year, with an additional $750 million expected in 2022.

According to the corporation, after the newly announced donations, Buffett now holds 207,963 Berkshire Hathaway Class A shares and 2,586 Class B shares. The shares are worth approximately $128 billion. Warren Buffett suddenly changed how his vast fortune would be spent after his death.

Buffett, 93, the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, told the Wall Street Journal that he has revised his will and does not intend to continue making payments to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation after his death. He plans to place his riches in a new charity trust controlled by his three children.

buffett | CNBC image

Warren Buffett Has Finally Revealed What Will Happen To His Money After He Dies

“The Gates Foundation has no money coming after my death,” Buffett told the Journal.

Buffett told the Journal that he had altered his will multiple times, and he put together the most recent plan because he believes in his children’s beliefs and how they will share his fortune. Each of Buffett’s children runs a charitable organization.

“I feel very, very good about the values of my three children, and I have 100% trust in how they will carry things out,” Buffett said in a Journal interview.

Previously, Buffett stated in his will that more than 99% of his estate would be donated to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and four family-related charities: the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, Sherwood Foundation, Howard G. Buffett Foundation, and the NoVo Foundation.

Buffett plans to continue donating to the Gates Foundation during his lifetime.

Berkshire Hathaway announced Friday that Buffett is changing around 9,000 Class A shares into more than 13 million Class B shares. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust will receive around 9.3 million shares, with the remainder distributed among the four Buffett family charities.

Warren Buffett Has Finally Revealed What Will Happen To His Money After He Dies

“Warren Buffett has been exceedingly generous to the Gates Foundation through more than 18 years of contributions and advice,” the foundation’s CEO, Mark Suzman, told CNN. “We are deeply grateful for his most recent gift and contributions totaling approximately $43 billion to our work.” (Melinda stated in May that she would leave the group; her last day was June 7, but the foundation’s name has not yet changed.)

Buffett donated over $870 million to his family’s four organizations last year, with an additional $750 million expected in 2022.

According to the corporation, after the newly announced donations, Buffett now holds 207,963 Berkshire Hathaway Class A shares and 2,586 Class B shares. The shares are worth approximately $128 billion.


Kiara Grace is a staff writer at VORNews, a reputable online publication. Her writing focuses on technology trends, particularly in the realm of consumer electronics and software. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for breaking down complex topics, Kiara delivers insightful analyses that resonate with tech enthusiasts and casual readers alike. Her articles strike a balance between in-depth coverage and accessibility, making them a go-to resource for anyone seeking to stay informed about the latest innovations shaping our digital world.


Verizon must pay $847 million to license the patent.



– Getty Images

(CTN News) – General Access Solutions, the company that owns the patent, has been ordered to collect $847 million from Verizon, a major telecommunications carrier in the United States.

According to the information that was provided by The Register, a federal jury in East Texas ordered Verizon to pay General Access the money that was owing to it.

This was stated in the material. The reason for this was that General Access had broken two patents, which led to this situation. As a consequence of this change.

For General Access, Verizon is now responsible for making payments.

According to the decision that was handed down by the court a week ago, the total amount is comprised of a “reasonable royalty” of $583 million for infringing on US Patent No. 7,230,931 (the ‘931) patent, as well as an additional $264 million for infringing on the other patent, which is 9,426,794 (‘794).

The total amount in question is $583 million. The sum in dispute comprises a total of 583 million dollars. Five hundred and eighty-three million dollars is the entire amount that is under question.

According to the allegations, Verizon has committed a violation of the patents that General Access possesses which pertain to the technologies of 5G and hotspots. These patents are related to the technologies that are accessible to the general public without restriction.

General Access was the purchaser of the patents, which had been developed by Raze Technologies, the firm that had bought them. On the other hand, General Access said that some components of Verizon’s 5G wireless networks, smartphone hotspots, wireless home routers, and MiFi devices are in breach of the company’s intellectual property rights.

Raze Technologies was the company that successfully completed the acquisition of the patents offered by General Access.

2001 was the year that both patent applications were initially submitted to the appropriate authorities. The year in which everything began was the year in question.

In the initial complaint that the firm has submitted, it says that the base station technology that Verizon has been deploying is in violation of the 931 patent that it possesses.

This is stated in the complaint that the company has filed. As an additional point of disagreement, the business asserts that the wireless devices produced by Verizon that are capable of receiving 4G and 5G cell signals are in violation of its ‘794 patent. This is due to the fact that these devices route information to mobile stations by abusing 802.11 WiFi communications protocols. This is an additional contentious factor to consider.

In answer to a question that was posed about the patents, Verizon provided a statement in which it suggested that the patents were invalid due to the fact that there was either no written description or the patents were not “fully enabled.”

Verizon’s response to the inquiry is as follows:

According to the official response, this was the response. On the other hand, the members of the jury did not accept this line of thinking in any manner, shape, or form and refused to accept it in any way.

Verizon disclosed that the company will be appealing the verdict in a statement that was issued to DCD. The statement was sent to provide information about the case.

Despite the fact that we have a great deal of respect for the court system, we are unable to express our agreement with the verdict that was reached by this particular jury. As part of our efforts to reverse the verdict that was handed down today, we are going to file an appeal, and we are also going to continue searching for administrative remedies.

In line with a statement that was released by a spokesperson for Verizon, this does not imply the fact that the situation has been resolved.

According to Law 360, Ericsson, a Swedish component manufacturer, is also vehemently opposed to the verdict. The business has declared that it will support any challenge that Verizon takes forward, and it has stated that it will defend itself against any other challenge. The company Ericsson is widely recognized as a frontrunner in the business when it comes to the creation of components.


To navigate the climate proposal, BlackRock employs a new voting policy.

Alibaba will discontinue its data center operations in India and Australia.

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To navigate the climate proposal, BlackRock employs a new voting policy.



(VOR News) – The $10.5 trillion money BlackRock manager’s assets will vote differently on shareholder proposals than the funds that have specific climate change mandates. This is BlackRock’s most recent attempt to navigate the political rift over decarbonization.

The world’s biggest asset management said in a statement on Tuesday that clients of funds with a climate focus will now be allowed to voice their opinions aggressively in shareholder resolutions pertaining to decarbonization.

All of BlackRock’s funds are susceptible to climate risk.

Still, funds that follow its recently released “climate and decarbonization stewardship guidelines” will evaluate whether or not companies are really attempting to keep the rise in world average temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels.

The Paris Agreement, which over 200 nations joined, set this goal as the optimal threshold.

The head of BlackRock, Larry Fink, was a vocal early proponent of integrating sustainability into the investment process. In his letter to investors for the 2020 annual meeting, he raised the topic of climate change, but he has subsequently faced criticism from all sides.

With the new stewardship policy, BlackRock is attempting to reconcile US regulations compelling fund managers to focus on financial returns with the expectations of its clients in Europe and the US, who want the company to promote decarbonization.

In a letter to clients, Joud Abdel Majeid, Global Head of Stewardship at BlackRock, said that the policy will start to apply to 83 funds in the fourth quarter. $150 billion worth of assets are held by these funds, all of which are headquartered in Europe.

Conservatives in the US are starting to push back, denouncing the movement as “woke capitalism.” This is true even if a large number of progressives and investors in Europe favor advancing the effort to limit global warming as quickly as is practical.

The boards of directors of funds with a special responsibility for climate change in the United States and Asia will be asked if they would like to carry out the policy later this year. The climate-related option that BlackRock intends to offer will also be available to clients who invest through independently managed accounts.

“BlackRock will continue to undertake our stewardship responsibilities with a sole focus on advancing clients’ long-term financial returns in line with our benchmark policies,” Abdel Majeid stated.

“BlackRock will continue to handle all other funds.”

As a result, the climate-focused funds might adopt stances on business votes related to fossil fuels and other decarbonization-related issues that are completely at odds with those of the other funds in the group. They will follow BlackRock’s primary criteria for additional environmental, social, and governance considerations in all other cases.

Since the spike in energy prices that coincided with Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine two years ago, BlackRock has been the subject of intense political discourse. Conservatives have tried to limit or boycott the company’s offerings. Simultaneously, proponents of climate change expressed their annoyance at the company’s sharp drop in backing for shareholder resolutions related to the issue.

Since then, the asset manager has claimed that a large number of recently passed shareholder resolutions by businesses were unduly prescriptive and did not support customers’ financial interests.

BlackRock withdrew its support from Climate Action 100+, an investor group founded to motivate companies to combat global warming, at the beginning of this year. Instead of carrying on with global participation, it chose to move membership to its smaller foreign subsidiary.

BlackRock has also implemented a policy that gives institutional clients and some retail investors authority over how their shares are voted on proxy matters.

Investors may choose to entrust BlackRock with their vote or they can choose from over a dozen policies created by proxy advisers Institutional Shareholder Services and Glass Lewis through the “voting choice” scheme.


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Alibaba will discontinue its data center operations in India and Australia.

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Tesla Sales Fall Again As More Automakers Crowd Electric Vehicle Market



Tesla sales declined for the second consecutive quarter. It is the first time in the company’s history that revenues have fallen from the prior year for two consecutive quarters.

Tesla’s sales for the quarter totaled over 444,000, a 5% decrease from the previous year. That is less than the 8.5% dip the corporation experienced in the first quarter. However, Tesla’s share price, which has made CEO Elon Musk one of the world’s wealthiest individuals, is based on a track record of increasing auto sales.

The sales reduction reflects growing competition in the electric vehicle sector. While total EV sales continue to increase, the growth rate has been slower than projected, leaving investors begging for each car sold to be more profitable than previously.

Tesla | PixaBay Image

Tesla Sales Fall Again As More Automakers Crowd Electric Vehicle Market

Before this year, Tesla only reported a year-over-year sales loss once, during the peak of the pandemic when plants were closed due to stay-at-home orders.

The sales figures contained some good news, however. Sales exceeded some analysts’ forecasts of 436,000, which was enough to keep the lead in global sales of all-electric vehicles over Chinese automaker BYD.

On Monday, BYD reported EV sales of 426,000. That is 21% higher than a year ago as BYD continues to close the gap with Tesla. In the fourth quarter, BYD briefly surpassed Tesla in global EV sales.

However, Tesla’s (TSLA) sales exceeded expectations, causing shares to rise by more than 4% in early trading. Despite Tuesday’s gains, shares are still down more than 10% yearly.

Tesla has been progressively lowering pricing for over a year in response to increased competition from major automakers transitioning from petroleum-powered vehicles to EVs, including BYD in China and Volkswagen, General Motors, and Ford in Europe and North America. These price cuts have boosted sales but reduced company margins. Tesla stated Tuesday that it will release its second-quarter financial results on July 23.

GM did not publish global sales data on Tuesday, but it did report US sales data. US EV sales were up 40% from a year ago and 34% from the first quarter total to roughly 22,000, a record for the carmaker. Overall sales were practically unchanged, up 0.6%, owing in part to the CDK platform hack that affected many of its dealers’ operations. A modest decrease in sales of regular gasoline-powered vehicles offset the robust EV sales.

Even as it withdrew its best-selling American EV, the Bolt, sales fell 90% from 14,000 a year earlier. However, increases in sales for its Blazer EV and Cadillac Lyriq more than compensated for the lost Bolt sales. It continues to release new EV models and will have ten in US showrooms by the end of the year.

Tesla | PixaBay Image

Tesla Sales Fall Again As More Automakers Crowd Electric Vehicle Market

However, dropping sales indicate that rising competition is influencing its sales. The majority of its car lineup is somewhat ancient. Since its premiere in 2012, Tesla’s flagship automobile, the Model S, has not undergone a complete redesign. The Model Y, its best-selling model, has seen little alteration since its debut in 2019. The Model Y is one of its most recent models.

It began producing its Cybertruck pickup late last year, which has raised serious concerns about its build quality.

Last week, Tesla announced the third and fourth recalls of the Cybertruck, citing issues with its massive single windshield wiper and a piece of plastic trim around the side of the truck bed that can detach while driving. The recall applies to virtually all of the 12,000 Cybertrucks sold to consumers. Another recall was issued in April due to an accelerator pedal that could stick down.


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