As discord in the Liberal caucus continues, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is frantically attempting to use abortion to shift the focus away from party descent and...
Despite Abortion being legal throughout the pregnancy with no criminal restrictions in Canada, Justin Trudeau is now trying to use abortion as a fear tactic to...
(CTN News) – Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, the leading Democratic candidate to unseat Republican Sen. Rick Scott, rallied health-care workers in front of Jackson Memorial Hospital on a...
Washington – Millions of women in states where abortion is allowed and supporters of abortion rights won when the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously rejected an attempt...
ABORTION RIGHTS: On Monday, France became the first country in the world to codify abortion rights in its constitution, marking the end of a campaign that...
California’s SACRAMENTO — A new bill introduced on Friday in the state Legislature would shield doctors in California who send abortion drugs to clients in other...
MADRID, Spain — The Spanish parliament approved legislation on Thursday expanding abortion and transgender rights for teenagers, making Spain the first country in Europe to grant...
MADRID, Spain — During this year’s local elections, a regional government’s decision to restrict abortion rights in a broad part of central Spain renewed debate on...