(VOR News) – Following a physical activity session, a user posted on social media that ChatGPT, an AI chatbot, had saved his life by detecting a potentially deadly severe ailment.
He contracted this ailment as a result of his symptoms. This person responded to the exact diagnosis provided by ChatGPT. He had only completed a light workout a few days prior, yet he claimed to be in excruciating physical pain. He acknowledged that it made him uncomfortable.
The person used Reddit in order to share his story without disclosing who he was. The person who was worried about the rapid deterioration in his health sought advice from ChatGPT. He had a lot of questions.
Therefore, ChatGPT told him to get medical help right away.
The discussion thread ended with the statement, “I explained my symptoms to ChatGPT, and it recommended that I immediately go to the hospital, as my symptoms aligned with moderate to severe Rhabdomyolysis,”
Rhabdomyolysis is a serious illness that appears when injured muscle tissue rapidly breaks down. Rapid muscle tissue breakdown can result in metabolic acidosis, electrolyte abnormalities, and renal damage. One of the possible negative effects is kidney damage. If treatment is not received, the illness could be lethal.
He went to the hospital to get examined in order to follow the advice. He had rhabdomyolysis, according to his examination results.
Following a series of demanding laboratory testing, I was given a diagnosis of acute rhabdomyolysis. During my week-long stay in the hospital, I received IV feedings and was closely monitored. To meet the requirements, I took this action.
I should add that I analyzed my lab results using ChatGPT, and they matched the medical staff’s results exactly. He continued by saying that even before the Doctor told him, he knew what was happening. The situation did exist, he acknowledged. ChatGPT analysis made this possible.
The internet’s response to the topic.
Following its publication, the comment gained international attention from social media users worldwide and swiftly spread like wildfire. These people talked about their individual experiences using AI-powered chatbots that simultaneously helped them with diagnostics.
“I am overjoyed for you, OP, that you are performing admirably at this very moment.”An further user commented, “I’m glad it caught your condition in time.” However, another user commented, “And yes, ChatGPT is great with such details.” They were all in agreement that ChatGPT is excellent. Both comments were posted on the same page.
ChatGPT also allows you to upload pictures of your medical records.
“This is how that GPT ought to be utilized for the purpose of providing medical advice,” said another commenter. You choose to consult a qualified medical professional after experiencing a range of symptoms. The WebMD claim that “cancer every five minutes” is untrue, on the opposite. They are really different from one another.
This chatbot can accurately identify fractures.
Medical professionals were unable to accurately detect her daughter’s fracture, but Elon Musk’s artificial intelligence chatbot Grok was able to do so. Following an incorrect diagnosis by the medical staff, this action was taken.
AJ Kay claimed that her daughter had been in a serious car accident, even though the urgent care center’s doctors did not find any fractures. Before sending her home, they gave her medication and an ace wrap to help facilitate her recovery from the injuries.
Because she was not happy, Ms. Kay went to Grok and asked the AI chatbot to look at her daughter’s X-ray. Grok granted her request. Grok’s diagnosis of a distal radial head fracture with dorsal displacement was confirmed by a wrist specialist she saw later.
The diagnosis of Grok was confirmed. With the wrist specialist, Grok was able to validate his discovery. With the wrist specialist, Grok was able to validate his discovery.
Grok’s intervention allowed them to treat the patient more quickly, avoiding surgery because therapy was delayed. This is what Grok made possible by avoiding surgery.
The doctor cautioned that more medical treatments, including surgery, would be necessary as a result of the treatment delay.
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