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Soccer Player Paulinho Won’t Let Intolerance Of His Afro-Brazilian Religion Stop His Faith




LAGOA SANTA, Brazil — When the Brazilian football player Paulinho scored a goal at the Tokyo Olympics, he celebrated by pointing an imaginary arrow at the glowing cameras as a tribute to a deity in his persecuted Afro-Brazilian religion and a shot at religious intolerance.

Subsequently, he lost over 10,000 social media followers for his public tribute to Oxóssi, a godly archer who uses his bow to stalk and feed the hungry.

He claims he progressively gained new fans in his soccer-obsessed South American nation by representing his Afro-Brazilian religion, Candomblé, and challenging religious intolerance. His religion has been subject to a rising tide of persecution, sometimes attributed to the rapid spread of evangelical Christianity in Brazil.

“Some competitors inquire about my religion, wanting to know what it is like… They always heed when I speak. But it’s still a small minority in football’, the 23-year-old Atletico Mineiro player said in an interview at his residence outside of Belo Horizonte in Brazil’s southeast. “I…get messages about how I express myself about the religion, some from people who also believe in the faith but aren’t too outspoken. And it’s great to feel that they appreciate what I do.”

In Brazil, only a small minority practice Candomblé. In recent years, however, reports of religious intolerance against them have increased, particularly at the hands of members of Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal congregations, whose mission is to convert unbelievers.


Although he was not as involved with Candomblé then, he felt targeted when he began his professional career in 2017 with the prominent club Vasco da Gama.

Some members of African-influenced religions have been subjected to verbal abuse, discrimination, and even the devastation of their temples and forced eviction from their neighborhoods.

Growing up in Rio de Janeiro, Paulinho experienced religious discrimination like his mother and grandmother before him.

His mother, Ana Christina Sampaio, recalled feeling insulted when other players’ parents implied that her son’s success on the football pitch was due to Afro-Brazilian sacrificial rituals.

She stated, “They disregarded Paulinho’s abilities and efforts.” Certainly, there is religious intolerance, but in Brazil, it appears to be religious bigotry against Candomblé.

As Catholic Portuguese colonists carried enslaved Africans to Brazil, these men and women merged their traditional religions with Catholicism. These religions are practiced by less than 1% of Brazil’s 210 million inhabitants.

Academics and advocates for religious freedom assert that neo-Pentecostal congregations sometimes demonize Afro-Brazilian religions. In uncommon instances, pastors have been found to explicitly direct radicalized evangelicals to commit acts of violence.

Sociologist Reginaldo Prandi stated, “Candomblé has always been persecuted; the only place in Brazil where its adherents are the majority is during Carnival.” He made note of the well-known traditional samba school competition in which references to Candomblé deities, or orixas, have been a constant for decades.


In recent years, samba schools have pleaded for Afro-Brazilians to be accepted and religious violence to cease.

“Prejudice cannot invalidate his football abilities. Everyone will forget about his religion if he proves to be an exceptional athlete. This is Brazil’s custom, said Prandi. However, it will be one of the first things people say when he performs poorly.

Paulinho stated that the prejudice he faced prompted him to abandon Brazil and play football in Europe. In 2018, he transferred to the German club Bayer Leverkusen for $21 million. In four years, he participated in 79 matches and scored nine goals. According to him, his faith was never an issue there.

Paulinho currently plays for the Brazilian club Atlético Mineiro, which in the 1980s featured some of the country’s first outspokenly evangelical soccer players. He still hopes to play professionally in England or Spain.

In Brazil, however, he has become an influential advocate for a marginalized religious minority.

He stated, “People recognize that I have a deeper understanding and knowledge of our religion.” Looking back… Candomblé has been present throughout all phases, illuminating the path. And now I can speak with more assurance.”

Earlier this year, Paulinho displayed his Candomblé pride during a game, provoking his detractors and bolstering his supporters. After scoring, he removed his shirt to reveal a new tattoo. It read “se” — or “energy” in Yoruba — or, as Axé is known to Brazilians, Axé, which is essential to Candomblé.

A supporter of Atletico Mineiro posted on Paulinho’s Instagram, “Get out of our club, macumbeiro!” shortly after. This term is sometimes used derisively to refer to Macumba members, defined as “a polytheistic religion of African origin… practiced mainly by Black Brazilians in urban areas.”

In the same post, another club supporter said: “You care more about candomblé and politics than football, you shouldn’t be here.”

Paulinho has also been targeted by far-right activists aligned with former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who had a significant evangelical support base. Paulinho was among the few active soccer players to publicly endorse President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the 2022 elections.


Growing up in Rio de Janeiro, Paulinho experienced religious discrimination like his mother and grandmother.

Since the 1960s, the acceptance of Candomblé among Brazil’s middle class has been facilitated by the support of Brazilian performers such as Grammy-winner Caetano Veloso.

“At that time, the world was in search of other civilizations. Europeans pursued Buddhism, while the Beatles travelled to India,’ said Prandi. “Brazilians were not required to travel.

“We had this very dramatic and theatrical religion in the state of Bahia, which originated with the Africans,” he continued. It was then that all intellectuals became involved; it was our counterculture.

Prandi stated nonetheless that persecution of Candomblé continued.

“Now Brazil has a very conservative movement, which led to the election of Bolsonaro, and people like Paulinho are viewed as a threat because he is a popular football player,” he said.

Others are following in Paulinho’s footsteps. After scoring the game-winning goal in the Brazilian Cup final against Flamengo on Sunday, Sao Paulo FC midfielder Rodrigo Nestor revealed on national television that he is a Candomblé follower.

Nestor told TV Globo after the match, “My orishas, my mother Ians, were with me.” He referred to the Candomblé deity of wind, lightning, magic, and fire.

Paulinho aims to again represent Brazil at the Paris Olympics next year. He maintains confidence in his abilities and religious pride. Before each contest, he prays to the divine beings for guidance. In addition, his mother blesses him with water and basil leaves to ward off negative vibrations.

“My faith has taught me to be patient,” said Paulinho. “This is also a wonderful quality of my orisha: Oxóssi only has one arrow, so he must be accurate. He must be patient.

“In some games, I have only one clean shot. I could get it right; I could get it wrong,” he added. “However, regardless of the outcome, I am confident that the discipline I’ve gained from Candomblé will allow me to find other opportunities if I remain resilient.”


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Justin Trudeau Ignites a Political Firestorm With 1.4 Billion People in India



Trudeau India Relations
Indians protest against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi, India - NDTV Image

On Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has sparked the greatest diplomatic quarrel between Canada and India in the history of their bilateral relations. Trudeau reiterated previous claims that Indian diplomats orchestrated the death of Khalistani rebel Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

In a tit-for-tat diplomatic exchange, India recalls six Indian diplomats, including the High Commissioner, and expelled six Canadian diplomats.

Justin Trudeau stated that his government had attempted to collaborate with India, but its response has been to deny, obfuscate, and attack him personally and the integrity of the government of Canada.

Melanie Joly, Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated that sitting Indian diplomats were involved in violent acts that increased following Trudeau’s allegation of India’s possible involvement in the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

India disputed Canada’s charges on Monday, accusing Justin Trudeau’s government of targeting Indian diplomates without justification and threatening their safety. “We have no faith in the current Canadian government’s resolve to secure their safety, New Deli stated yesterday.

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs stated in a statement that the Trudeau government has consciously provided space for violent extremists and terrorists to harass, threaten, and intimidate Indian diplomats and community leaders in Canada.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with members of the Sikh Caucus.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with members of the Sikh Caucus – VOR News Image

Trudeau’s Support of the Khalistan separatist movement

Justin Trudeau’s close ties to the Khalistan separatist movement, as well as his sympathies for declared terrorists and extremists who preach hatred, violence, and extremism on Canadian soil, are all intended to appeal to his voter base.

Trudeau’s claims on Monday sparked a firestorm in India, with a vast majority of the country’s 1.4 billion people rallying behind Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, according to (NDTV) New Deli Television News.

NDVT stated that Mr Trudeau is facing a series of political setbacks in Canada and he has frequently supported the Khalistani separatist movement and permitted them to operate in  Canada.

Justin Trudeau has stood shoulder to shoulder with terrorists, fanatics, and separatists at Khalistan demonstrations across Canada, and doing so, he has directly violated India’s national security concerns, as well as India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by supporting those who want to carve out another nation from India – all under the guise of “free speech in Canada.”

According to New Deli television, Trudeau has lost significant electoral ground in recent months as a major ally, Jagmeet Singh, withdrew support from his party, and Trudeau is attempting to soothe his “voter bank.”

Justin Trudeau has suffered several political losses in recent months. What has alarmed him is that he has lost the backing of his crucial ally, Jagmeet Singh’s party. Singh openly supports ‘Khalistan’.

Protesters against COVID-19 restrictions march through the streets of Montreal

Protesters march against Trudeau on the streets of Montreal – Image The Canadian Press

Political fallout in Canada

Doubts about Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s leadership grew after his ruling Liberal Party suffered two humiliating defeats in a special election, but the unpopular leader is desperate to hold on to power ahead of a national election.

The result, which followed a defeat in Toronto in late June, reinforced the view that the Liberals’ chances in the next national election are bleak. The mandate for Trudeau’s minority administration expires at the end of October 2025, but an early election appears increasingly likely.

Although surveys show the Liberals will lose heavily to the official opposition right-of-center Conservatives in the next election due to dissatisfaction with inflation, healthcare, and the housing crisis, Trudeau and his closest aides insist he is not going anywhere and has time to help the party recover.

Faced with the possibility of losing his position as Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau has launched a series of claims against India in an attempt to polarize the electorate while catering to his vote bank in a desperate attempt to get as much support as possible in order to retain his position.







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India Slams Trudeau for Accusing Diplomats of “Acts of Violence”



Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accuses India of Criminal Activity in Canada - Global Affairs Image

The Indian government slammed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for accusing Indian diplomats of being involved in murder, harassment, and other “acts of violence” against Sikh separatists in the country.

India’s Ministry of External Affairs has called Trudeau’s accusations “preposterous” and said it was withdrawing its diplomats from Canada.

“There is a deliberate strategy by Justin Trudeau of smearing India for political gains,” the statement added Monday. “The aspersions cast on (High Commissioner Sanjay Kumar Verma) are ludicrous and deserve to be treated with contempt,” the Ministry of External Affairs said.

India’s condemnation follows Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ordering the expulsion of six Indian diplomats from Canada.

Trudeau stated that the RCMP and national security officials have made numerous endeavors to collaborate with the Government of India and Indian law enforcement counterparts on this issue; however, they have been consistently unsuccessful.

In an unprecedented move, Canadian officials convened a press conference where the RCMP publicly disclosed the specifics of numerous investigations into the alleged involvement of Indian government agents in “serious criminal activity” in Canada.

RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme informed reporters that the decision to publicly disclose the investigations was made “due to the significant threat to public safety” and after attempts to resolve the issue in collaboration with the Indian government had not yielded satisfactory results. Additionally, the RCMP had identified organized crime that targeted Canada’s South Asian community and interference in democratic processes.

Clandestine Activities by Indian Diplomats

He stated that investigations have revealed that Indian diplomats and consular officials stationed in Canada utilized their official positions to engage in clandestine activities, including the collection of information for the Indian government, either directly or through their proxies, and other individuals who acted voluntarily or through coercion.

“The information that is collected for India was subsequently utilized to target members of the South Asian community in Canada.

Global Affairs Canada announced that six Indian diplomats and consular officials had received a notice of expulsion from Canada in response to a targeted campaign against Canadian citizens by agents affiliated with the Government of India, immediately following the RCMP statement.

India responded by ordering the expulsion of six high-ranking Canadian diplomats, including the acting high commissioner, and informed Canada that it was withdrawing its diplomats from the country, which contradicted Canada’s statement of expulsion.

“We have no confidence in the current Canadian government’s dedication to the security of our diplomats.” Consequently, the Indian government has resolved to evacuate the High Commissioner and other diplomats and officials who are specific targets, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) of India issued a statement.

The MEA reiterated India’s previous stance on the matter, stating that “the Canadian Government has not shared a shred of evidence with the Government of India, despite many requests from our side,” since Prime Minister Trudeau’s allegations in September 2023.

Trudeau Accused of Pandering for Political Gain

The MEA statement continued by asserting that Canada’s most recent action “follows interactions that have again witnessed assertions without any facts.” It further stated that “this leaves little doubt that on the pretext of an investigation, there is a deliberate strategy of Justin Trudeau smearing India for his own political gain.”

Accusing Trudeau of pursuing a “political agenda” and pandering to the 700,000-strong Sikh community, which possesses significant political influence in Canada.

This escalation of tensions occurred shortly after Prime Minister Trudeau asserted that he had conversed with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the margins of the ASEAN Summit in Laos.  A subsequent clarification by India’s Ministry of External Affairs indicated that no “substantive discussion” had occurred between the two leaders.

Ajay Srivastava, the founder of the Global commerce Research Initiative (GTRI), stated on Monday that the bilateral commerce in goods between India and Canada has not been affected by the diplomatic tensions between the two countries.

The bilateral merchandise commerce between India and Canada experienced a slight increase from $8.3 billion in 2022-23 to $8.4 billion in 2023-24. India’s imports from Canada increased to $4.6 billion, while exports experienced a marginal decline, declining to $3.8 billion.

“These figures indicate that, at least for the time being, economic relations are unaffected by the diplomatic storm that is developing in the background,” he stated.

At present, the resilience of trade between India and Canada underscores a critical lesson: diplomatic tensions, despite their detrimental effects, do not necessarily result in the destruction of economic relationships.

However, as this dispute continues, it will be imperative for both nations to exercise caution in order to prevent a full-scale economic repercussion.

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Indian Media Labels Trudeau a Lair Over Claims He Held Talks With Prime Minister Modi



Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leaves a photo op with Mr. Modi - Image Canadian Press
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leaves a photo op with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi - Image Canadian Press

Claims by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that “safety of Canadians” was discussed when he came face-to-face with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Laos have been rejected by India’s Government.

Trudeau declared during a press conference on Friday that he had addressed tensions between the two nations that had arisen after he accused India of murdering Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar on Canadian soil.

An Indian Government spokesperson responded by stating to India Today that there was no substantive discussion between Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Trudeau in Laos, and that the two leaders only exchanged greetings when they met in person at the summit.

The government spokesperson stated that India continues to anticipate that anti-India Khalistani activities will not be permitted to occur on Canadian soil and that Mr. Trudeau will take firm action against those advocating violence, extremism, and terrorism against India from Canada, which has been lacking thus far.

The brief exchange between Prime Minister Modi and Justin Trudeau occurred nearly a year after Trudeau accused India of murdering Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Nijjar in Surrey, British Columbia in June 2023.

Trudeau’s accusations despite no evidence have incited outrage in India, resulting in an all-time nadir in bilateral relations.

Hardeep Singh Nijjar interpol

Hardeep Singh Nijjar Interpol Warrant

In 2020, India officially designated Hardeep Singh Nijjar as a terrorist and accused Justin Trudeau of harboring a wanted terrorist for political gain within Canada’s 700,000-strong Sikh community.

1987 marked the signing of an Extradition Treaty between Canada and India.

Numerous Indians are of the opinion that Mr. Trudeau is politically dependent on the Sikh community, which is both substantial and influential in his country. This belief is well-founded as despite that the 770,000 Sikhs in Canada constitute only 2.1% of the population, their geographic concentration and close-knit community connections grant them disproportionate political influence.

The socialist New Democratic Party, which is led by Jagmeet Singh, a Sikh politician who is widely perceived in India as sympathetic to Sikh radicalism, is the foundation of Justin Trudeau’s minority administration. Singh has been prohibited from entering India since 2013.

Critics contend that Justin Trudeau has for political purposes dismissed security concerns from India regarding radical Sikhs in Canada.

Omer Aziz, a former foreign-policy adviser to Mr. Trudeau, wrote in an op-ed published in the Globe and Mail in Toronto that “Canada should have at least begun to take steps to ensure Canada was not used for terrorist financing.” The sole issue was that Mr. Trudeau was adamant about not losing the Sikh vote to Jagmeet Singh.

In the opinion of Indians, Canada should have extradited Nijjar to India, where he was classified as a terrorist and implicated in a series of severe crimes, including a theater bombing and murder.

India accuses Trudeau of fostering an environment in which Sikh extremists publicly advocate for the murder of Indian diplomats, commemorate the 1984 assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards, and urge Canadian Hindus to emigrate.

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