Sonic the Hedgehog is dominating Christmas wish lists this year. The lovable blue hedgehog is back in the spotlight, from...
In 1997, “David,” a worker on a banana plantation, was brutally and quickly executed by right-wing Colombian paramilitary groups. He was taken off, beaten to death...
(CTN News) – Japan has protested at the US embassy in Tokyo over at least two alleged sexual assault instances involving American servicemen on the southern...
On the last day of voting before Sunday’s first round of parliamentary elections, France’s conservative National Rally (RN)grew its lead, in an opinion poll that put...
Leave it to a Wells Fargo food expert to definitively resolve the Chipotle burrito “weight debate.” On TikTok, some consumers accused Chipotle of underserving food quantities....
(VOR News) – Advocates for the homeless say that the United States Supreme Court’s ruling in a significant case on camping prohibitions may exacerbate the homeless...
(VOR News) – After the first presidential debate, David Axelrod, a former top advisor to former President Barack Obama, told CNN there would be talks regarding...
Martin Mull, whose biting, esoteric comedy and acting made him a cool hit in the 1970s and subsequently a cherished guest star on sitcoms such as...
Paris Hilton is speaking up about her previous trauma as she continues to campaign for legislation that protects children from institutional abuse. During a House committee...
Apple said that its annual Worldwide Developer Conference would begin on June 10, when the company is expected to showcase its latest AI breakthroughs. The conference,...
On June 27, 2024, Huawei held the Global Launch of the 5G-A Pioneers Program at MWC Shanghai. The “driving shared success with 5G-A” event brought together...