Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who hired her ex-boyfriend to murder her mother after being forced to pretend she was critically ill for years, revealed on Tuesday that she is pregnant and wishes to provide her child with everything she missed as a child.
Blanchard announced in a YouTube video that the baby is due in January, just over a year after she was released from a women’s jail northeast of Kansas City, Missouri.
Gypsy Rose Blanchard Pregnant Soon After Release From Prison For Conspiring To Kill Abusive Mother
“I just want to be a good mother for my child,” she stated, her voice catching. “I want to be everything my mother wasn’t.”
Blanchard’s situation garnered national media interest as accusations surfaced that her mother, Claudine “Dee Dee” Blanchard, who was murdered in 2015, had effectively kept her daughter imprisoned, forcing her to use a wheelchair and a feeding tube.
Dee Dee Blanchard tricked doctors into doing unneeded treatments by claiming that her daughter’s medical records were lost in Hurricane Katrina, according to Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s attorney.
According to the attorney, the mother suffered from Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a psychological ailment in which parents or caregivers seek sympathy by exaggerating or fabricating their children’s symptoms.
Habitat for Humanity provided the mother and daughter with philanthropic donations, including a home near Springfield, Missouri.
When Gypsy Rose Blanchard turned 23, she gave her then-boyfriend a knife and hid in a toilet as he repeatedly killed her mother, according to the probable cause statement. Then Gypsy and Nicholas Godejohn, whom she met on a Christian dating website, traveled by bus to Godejohn’s house in Wisconsin, where they were arrested.
Godejohn is currently serving a life sentence in Missouri. Prosecutors made a deal with Blanchard because of the abuse she had suffered. She eventually found a way to forgive her mother and herself, she stated shortly after her release while promoting the Lifetime documentary, “The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard,” and her own e-book, “Released: Conversations on the Eve of Freedom.”
Previous coverage included the 2017 HBO documentary “Mommy Dead and Dearest” and the 2019 Hulu drama “The Act.”
Blanchard stated in the new video that she understands that some people believe she is not ready to be a mother and that it is too soon. But she was dismissive, adding that no one is ever genuinely prepared for parenthood.
“It’s an amazing feeling when your whole world shifts and suddenly it’s not about you,” she told me. “It isn’t about anything other than the tiny little life inside you that you are now responsible for protecting. And that little tiny life is a baby, a tiny human that you must protect, cherish, and care for. And all the things I wish I had when I was younger.”
Gypsy Rose Blanchard Pregnant Soon After Release From Prison For Conspiring To Kill Abusive Mother
She claims the baby’s father is Ken Urker, a prison penfriend who proposed while Blanchard was incarcerated. They eventually broke up, and she married Ryan Scott Anderson, a special education teacher from Lake Charles, Louisiana. Blanchard and Anderson parted shortly after her release from prison, and she is currently back with Urker. Blanchard stated that the pregnancy was unplanned, but both she and Urker are happy and committed to starting a family together.
“I couldn’t be happier,” she remarked, admitting that the relationship is unconventional. “Everything that has happened to me in my life suddenly becomes irrelevant because it all led me to be who I am today, and it all led me to this moment right now, right now. And that is a blessing.