(VOR News) – Even after the official proclamation of the end of the COVID-19 outbreak in 2023, people continue to consider the virus a public health concern, according to the most recent study by HealthDay and Harris Consulting.
The results of the study show that over one-third (35%) strongly agree with the statement that COVID is a severe public health issue, and over 75% of participants (72%) still hold this opinion.
According to Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the COVID virus has evolved into a chronic health concern similar to the one identified during the 1918 seasonal flu outbreak.
Offit predicted on HealthDay TV that influenza would result in hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations each year. Each year, influenza is thought to be the cause of tens of thousands of deaths. I think it’s related to the COVID-19 problem right now. This pandemic will continue for decades, if not longer, in my opinion.
The results of the study showed that 73% of participants were willing to do the COVID test, either at home by self-administration or by going to a pharmacy or medical facility. Additionally, people are prone to reacting to whatever symptoms they may experience.
Offit said, “That 73% COVID figure exceeded my expectations.”
Offit advised staying at home and getting checked right away if you have any of the COVID-19 symptoms, which include fever, cough, hoarse throat, dyspnea, rhinorrhea, and myalgia. The goal of this advice was to benefit everyone.
Offit emphasized the need of testing to provide high-risk patients with access to the antiviral medication Paxlovid, which may reduce the severity of their infection.
Responded Offit, “We must recognize that this is a substantial infection, despite the conclusion of the pandemic.” “I wish we shared the same perspective on influenza, a significant infection that warrants serious consideration and vaccination, yet we frequently neglect to do so.”
Although the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that everyone six months of age and older get the COVID vaccine, Offit has expressed his disagreement with the guidelines.
“We are one of only two countries that do that,” Offit emphasized. The majority of nations, particularly those in Scandinavia, Western Europe, Australia, and the World Health Organization, concentrate mostly on high-risk populations.
People who are overweight, elderly (defined as those over 75), pregnant, or have long-term lung, kidney, or neurological disorders are considered high-risk groups. According to Offit, “I am of the opinion that these groups are most susceptible to hospitalization if they are infected with this virus.”
According to Offit, the US’s extensive regulatory framework is most likely the result of a “messaging issue.” It is more likely to be given to high-risk groups if it is recommended for the broader public, Offit told reporters.
However, we are able to offer more detailed advice. Like most nations worldwide, I believe that we need to concentrate on high-risk groups.
The results of the HealthDay/Harris Poll revealed that.
Of those who are unlikely to get tested for COVID, 42% would not get tested unless their symptoms were extremely dangerous, and 28% would attribute their disease to another virus.
More than half of those who are willing to get tested for COVID say they want to make sure they don’t have another condition, and 66% say they want to protect their friends and family.
Eighty-five percent of respondents stated that they would be placed under quarantine and had to wear a mask if they tested positive for COVID-19. This represents more than 80 percent of the population.
However, over 56% of people are still unaware of the most recent COVID-19 quarantine regulations.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) presently recommend that people infected with COVID-19 stay away from social interactions for at least 24 hours after their fever starts and their symptoms go away.
The guidelines advise people to stay away from social situations and wear masks for five days.
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