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For Nicolas Cage, Making A Serial Killer Horror Movie Was A Healing Experience



Nicolas Cage | AP News Image

Los Angeles — When Nicolas Cage initially read the script for “Longlegs” and pondered playing the titular serial killer, he knew where he’d find inspiration: his mother.

“Not that she was Satanic,” Cage stressed in a recent interview, but he admitted that observing her battle with mental illness throughout his life was something he had to handle. “In my approach to try and get more personal with my film performances, I’ve been trying to find a constructive place to put my memories of my mother.”

Cage claimed his connection to his mother was so strong — particularly how he imagined the character’s body language and speaking style — that he recalls hearing her voice early one Christmas morning while rehearsing lines to himself. “Everybody else is getting ready to open presents and whatnot, and I’m doing this very dark character and trying to infuse it with love,” he told me.


Nicolas Cage | AP News Image

For Nicolas Cage, Making A Serial Killer Horror Movie Was A Healing Experience

The process of making “Longlegs,” a Neon release that hits theaters Friday, was ultimately cathartic for the Oscar winner. “Gosh, I channeled my father for Dracula and my mother for Long Legs. “What does that say about my childhood?” he asked, laughing.

When Cage first met with Osgood Perkins to discuss the picture, he was surprised to hear that the filmmaker had his mother in mind while creating the script.

It follows FBI Agent Lee Harker (Maika Monroe), who, shortly after being assigned to investigate a string of heinous murders, discovers her own link to the perpetrator (Cage). Although Perkins admitted to being inspired by “Silence of the Lambs” and similar films, “Longlegs” differs from many serial killer films in that the horrors carried out by humans are eerily supernatural.

Perkins takes advantage of this paranormal liberty, inundating the universe of “Longlegs” with biblical references and occult mysteries for his protagonist to uncover. However, unlike some directors who want to conceal their approach or leave it to the viewer to discern its significance, Perkins is clear about his source material, or lack thereof.

“I made it up,” the director bluntly acknowledged some of the symbolism used and messages delivered throughout the film, comparing developing a picture like “Longlegs” to putting together a crossword puzzle. “The fun of putting things together and finding little parts of things you like is what makes a movie. It’s just piecing things together.”

As the son of Anthony Perkins, who played Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock’s “Psycho,” the “Longlegs” filmmaker has long struggled with his connection to Hollywood, particularly horror.

“It’s kind of been foisted on me a little bit,” he remarked, admitting that he loves the freedom the genre provides. “You’re free to do whatever you want in a Gothic or Baroque style that’s packed with personality. It’s like preparing a large, lovely sauce.”

Cage has appeared in several horror films, including Mandy and the 2006 adaptation of The Wicker Man, but says this is his scariest. As an actor famed for his variety, he, too, expressed his enjoyment of the genre’s freedom to be unconventional.


Nicolas Cage | AP news Image

For Nicolas Cage, Making A Serial Killer Horror Movie Was A Healing Experience

“I’ve always believed that horror, when done well, is truly surreal.” It is dream logic. It does not have to be based on science or reality. It can allow actors to express themselves in ways different than what is considered the arbiter of great acting, 1970s naturalism,” he lamented. “That is good, but we’ve done it repeatedly, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.”

Though they had never met before working on this project, Cage and Perkins instantly became friends because of their love of filmmaking and rich familial origins in the industry. Perkins does not allow Cage and Monroe to meet until their first scene, one of the most horrific and violent in the picture, to make the most organic first contact possible.

However, the actors already had mutual regard for one another, and Cage, still dressed in makeup, made it a point to tell Monroe that he admired her work in David Robert Mitchell’s “It Follows” as soon as the cameras stopped rolling.

“I just thought, ‘God, I wish we had this on camera.'” It was really funny. “It was the first time I heard his voice,” she stated about their first meeting. “I grew up admiring his films and his current choices are wonderful. I have so much respect for him.


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Ontario Woman Charged Criminally for Squiring Neighbor With Water Gun



Ontario woman facing criminal charge following water gun incident
Ontario woman facing criminal charge following water gun incident - File Image

A woman in Ontario is currently facing a charge of assault with a weapon after she inadvertently sprayed her neighbour with a water gun over the Labour Day weekend. At least one legal expert has characterised the charge as a waste of legal resources.

Wendy Washik reported that she was participing in a playful water fight with one of her neighbours’ children during a neighbourhood barbecue on September 1. She said that she inadvertently sprayed a neighbour with water while pursuing the child to the front of the residence.

The neighbour (a Man) immediately began “screaming” at her, despite the fact that she promptly apologised.

She told CTV News, the neighbour contacted the police, who arrived shortly after and charged her with assault with a weapon. She said that the police conversed with the neighbour, but they did not enquire about the incident with any other individuals.

Wendy Washik was criminally charged after she said she accidentally sprayed her neighbour with a water gun

Wendy Washik was criminally charged after she said she accidentally sprayed her neighbour with a water gun

“I was shocked.” It was quite unbelievable to me. I repeatedly stated to the police officer, “It was a water gun.” I did not spray him intentionally. I was a harmless water fight Washik expressed his disbelief.

On September 3, an Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) press release stated that a Norfolk County officer was summoned to the Woodway Trail residence to investigate a neighbour dispute over a physical assault. There was no indication of any injuries.

The Norfolk County police release a statement saying there was an assault with a weapon giving Washik name, age, and place of residence; however, they did not provide a description of the type of weapon used.

Washik said that due to the statement the school board were she works put her on forced leave. “I have experienced significant stress, both in terms of my mental and financial well-being.” “My family has also experienced a great deal,” she said.

Criminal Defence Lawyer Monte McGregor

Criminal Defence Lawyer Monte McGregor

In an interview with CTV News, Criminal Defence Lawyer Monte McGregor, who is not engaged in the case, stated that a water gun can be classified as a weapon under the law. An assault is the act of touching or threatening to contact an individual without their consent.

MacGregor stated that police have a certain degree of discretion in determining whether or not to file a charge and whether or not they have reasonable and probable grounds to suspect that an offence has been committed.

He expressed his astonishment at the charge being brought against the woman. He said the charges are a pointless expenditure of court resources, and I am of the opinion that this was just an unfortunate accident, not a crime.

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) stated that the specifics of the weapon in question are deemed part of the investigation and are not “generally” disclosed to the public. They are dedicated to upholding rigorous standards in their investigative work, “regardless of the public’s perception of the allocation of resources.”

MacGregor stated that Washik’s counsel will likely have the opportunity to consult with the Crown attorney prior to her scheduled court appearance on Sept. 24. He stated that the Crown attorney may exercise their discretion and provide Washik with a resolution; however, it may necessitate that she accept culpability for the incident.

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Unprecedented 4.7 Earthquake Strikes Near Los Angeles.




(VOR News) – Early Thursday morning, an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.6 rocked the Los Angeles area. Early in the morning is when the earthquake was first felt.

All around the region, the effects of the earthquake were felt. Millions of individuals who resided in the region were greatly impacted by the earthquake.

The United States Geological Survey reports that the earthquake occurred at around 7:28 a.m. and that its epicentre was located around 4.3 miles north of Malibu. It was found more than seven km below the surface.

When the earthquake was first recorded, its magnitude was given as 5.1; it was then changed to 4.6 and then updated again to 4.7. It was eventually established that the magnitude was 4.7.

Many KTLA viewers reported feeling the earthquake throughout Orange County, the Inland Empire, and the coast. Furthermore, a number of Orange County residents have claimed to have experienced it.

There have been no reports of property damage or person injuries as of seventy-five minutes after the hour. Furthermore, it was difficult to get hold of any additional information that might have been sent.

recent seismic events that have taken place in California. We kindly ask that you wait before continuing after the map has appeared on the screen.

You may zoom in and out of the image and move around it with your thumb or the buttons on your smartphone.

It is anticipated that hundreds of earthquakes occur in the state of California each year, the most majority of which are thought to be extremely minor in magnitude. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimates that there are up to several hundred earthquakes with a magnitude of 3.0, and between 15 and 20 earthquakes larger than 4.0.

There is just one state in North America where the annual number of earthquakes is higher than that of California. This is one of those states. Alaska is where we are.

What steps ought to be done in the event of an earthquake?

Knowing what actions should be taken in the event of an earthquake is crucial for both self-defence and reducing the risk of physical harm.

Furthermore, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) offers comprehensive guidelines on what steps should be followed to address the issue in the case that incidents of this kind occur. To go into more detail, the following is the most crucial point:

Please drop, maintain your hold, and cover your head:

It is advised that you start by lowering yourself to the ground as quickly as you can while on your hands and knees. Maintaining this position will help you avoid falling and, should you need to crawl to safety, it will also allow you to blend in with the surroundings.

Before proceeding to the following stage, find cover behind a sturdy table or desk and use one arm to protect your head and neck.

You should complete this before proceeding to the next stage, if at all possible. You should use the other arm to protect your head and neck. If you are unable to find another place to hide, you should arrange yourself so that you are next to an interior wall that is not directly across from any windows.

It is advised to keep your body in a kneeling position and to bend over as much as you can to safeguard your important organs.

For as long as the earthquake persists, you must stay in the safe area that you are now in. You ought to have made plans to move with your shelter in case something happened to it.



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Taylor Swift Supports Kamala Harris as a “Steadyhanded” Leader.



Taylor Swift

(VOR News) – Taylor Swift has put her support behind Kamala Harris in her bid to become the next President of the United States of America with her endorsement.

As a result of this decision, months of speculation regarding the musical performer who is considered to be the most famous in the world has been put to rest. Swift referred to Harris as “a gifted, steady-handed leader.” Harris was described in this way.

On Tuesday evening, just after the vice president and her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, concluded their presidential debate, Taylor Swift posted a message on Instagram. “I think we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos.”

Taylor Swift stated in her writing.

Responding to Trump’s recent dissemination of a social media message that falsely claimed to be her endorsement, Swift disclosed that she had told individuals of her intention to vote.

This was done in response to Trump’s recent actions. My concerns regarding the dangers that are commonly connected with artificial intelligence and the dissemination of false information were heightened as a result of this. I came to the conclusion that I need to prioritise openness as a result of this,” she stated.

Swift made use of the signature phrase “Taylor Swift, Childless Cat Lady” in response to JD Vance’s assertion that “childless cat ladies” were in charge of the presidency of the United States of America.

The singer, who is thirty-four years old, does not have any children and his only pets are three. In 2018, she gave her official support to the Democratic candidate for the Senate in Tennessee, and she put her support behind Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for the 2020 election.

On Tuesday, the information regarding the several ways in which her followers can register to vote was posted on her Instagram account. The number of people that follow her on that platform is 283 million.

The song “Freedom” by Harris has become an unofficial campaign hymn as a result of the support of other well-known celebrities, such as Beyoncé, who granted her permission to use the song for rallies and advertising purposes.

Rolling Stone reports that Beyoncé wrote a letter to the campaign of Donald Trump, requesting that they stop using the term “Freedom,” after the campaign of Trump published a video that featured the term.

Taylor Swift has been the subject of numerous right-wing conspiracy theories, one of which asserts that she was involved in a scheme to ensure that Biden remains in the White House. These viewpoints have been directed towards Taylor Swift due to the fact that she is one of the most famous performers in the history of the world and a cultural icon in the United States.

Following the revelation of an Islamist terrorist plot to attack Swift’s followers during the show, authorities in Austria were compelled to cancel three of Swift’s concerts that were scheduled to take place as recently as the previous month.

Planned was for Taylor Swift Austria to host the rock shows.

During the early stages of her career, Taylor Swift, who began her career in Nashville, adhered to the customs of the country music industry and refrained from making public statements regarding political problems.

After some time had passed, she did, however, express regret for her silence regarding Trump in 2016. During the upcoming documentary that will be shown on Netflix, she is heard telling her father, “I need to be on the right side of history,” in the year 2020.

During an appearance on MSNBC, Swift’s running mate Tim Walz expressed his gratitude for Swift’s endorsement. He referred to Swift’s speech as “eloquent” and urged her supporters to support Harris. In addition, Walz sent his appreciation to Swift for her support of the Harris campaign.

In a speech that he delivered early Wednesday morning, Trump stated that he was “not a fan of Taylor Swift.”

“She is a very liberal individual who consistently endorses a Democrat, and it is likely that she will face repercussions in the marketplace,” he added. In his statement, he was referring to the fact that she consistently supports Democratic candidates.



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