Bernard Hill, who cried before leading his soldiers into war in “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” and went down with the ship as captain in “Titanic,” died. Agent Lou Coulson said Hill, 79, died Sunday morning.
The second film of the series, 2002’s “The Two Towers,” starred Hill as Théoden, King of Rohan. He repeated the role in “Return of the King,” which won 11 Oscars, the following year.
In one of the film’s most memorable scenes, Hill’s character gives a battle cry on horseback to his overmatched forces, sending them crashing downhill toward the enemy and his own death.
“Arise, Théoden riders!” Hill yells. Shields will shatter, spears quake! Sword day, red day before sunrise! Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride for destruction and the end! Death! Death!
Bernard Hill played Captain Edward Smith in “Titanic,” one of the few historically accurate characters in the 1997 tragedy starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. The film won 11 Oscars.
Hill’s character secretly retreats to the wheelhouse as the ship sinks. He takes a last breath and clutches the wheel as water crashes through the glass as the cabin moans under the waves.
Bernard Hill became famous for playing Yosser Hughes in the 1982 British miniseries “Boys From the Blackstuff,” about five unemployed men.
He received a 1983 BAFTA nomination for the part, and the show won for best drama series. His passing coincided with the second season of “The Responder,” on which he played Martin Freeman’s father.
Lindsay Salt, BBC Drama director, said Bernard Hill’s long career of memorable and outstanding roles was a tribute to his skill. “Our thoughts are with his loved ones at this sad time.”
Bernard Hill was a seasoned English actor known for his powerful film, TV, and theatrical roles. He’s most recognized for playing King Théoden in Peter Jackson’s “The Lord of the Rings” series. Hill was a virtuoso at depicting a complex character’s emotional journey as the once-mighty monarch brought low by Saruman’s betrayal.
Hill has produced a remarkable range of work over five decades beyond his Tolkien role. He was riveting in “Titanic,” playing Captain Smith, and “Defiance,” about WWII Jewish resistance fighters.
He excels as a Napoleonic-era sailor in “Master and Commander” and a tough detective in “Merlin.”
Bernard Hill made an impression on TV with “Boys from the Blackstuff” and “Outcasts.” He has a loyal following and critical accolades for his ability to give every character depth and subtlety.
Source: The associated Press