In an unexpected turn of events, Mitch McConnell, a long-standing pillar in Republican leadership, has declared his intention to resign as GOP senate leader. McConnell, famed...
According to a source, the US Intelligence Community (CIA) requested that the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance monitor 26 Donald Trump associates in the run-up to the...
American elites’ disdain for Trump and everyday Americans has become a focal point in contemporary political discourse. The deep-rooted hatred displayed by certain echelons of society...
According to new research by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, there is a significant difference in Americans’ perceptions about the state of the country, their freedoms,...
In recent years, Donald Trump’s steadfast opposition to the global elites has sparked widespread debate and scrutiny. The former U.S. president’s rigorous stance against international trade...
Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned Tuesday that if former President Donald Trump wins the U.S. presidential election in November, it will be “a step back”...
CAPE TOWN, South Africa — Some Catholic bishops in Africa, Poland, and elsewhere have stated that they will not adopt the new Vatican policy allowing blessings...
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced on Sunday that it had discovered “the biggest Hamas tunnel” in Gaza, measuring four kilometers (2.5 miles). The tunnel, which...
LONDON, England – The win of Prince Harry over Mirror Group Newspapers on Friday over what a British judge dubbed “habitual” criminal action is a watershed...
Due to the high cost of living and rental shortages, many immigrants’ ambition of making it big in Canada is turning into a battle for survival,...