“Young Sheldon,” the beloved spin-off of “The Big Bang Theory,” wrapped up its run in 2024, leaving fans curious about what its talented cast is up...
Gregg Wallace, a familiar face on BBC MasterChef, has found himself in hot water over allegations of inappropriate sexual comments. The TV host has left the...
Retired Philadelphia Eagles center Jason Kelce destroyed a Penn State football fan’s phone after the alleged heckler called his brother, Travis Kelce, a fag. In now-viral...
Shaun White, the Olympic snowboarding champion, already has an impressive medal tally, but his surprise proposal to Nina Dobrev deserves a gold medal. On Wednesday, the...
Hollywood actress Teri Garr, known for her roles in classics like “Young Frankenstein” and “Tootsie,” has passed away at 79. She died Tuesday of multiple sclerosis...
NEW YORK — Jon Stewart isn’t done mocking the news; he’s signed on to continue anchoring “The Daily Show” on Mondays until the end of next...
Santa Fe, New Mexico – A New Mexico judge affirmed her decision to dismiss Alec Baldwin’s involuntary manslaughter allegation in the fatal shooting of a cameraman...
NEW YORK — Seth Meyers reveals that whether he’s quarreling with his wife or in an odd circumstance with his children, he can’t help but think...
NEW YORK — Harvey Weinstein’s retrial on sex crimes charges in Manhattan will not begin until at least next year, and his lawyer intends to employ...
Jane Fonda, an actor and humanitarian, has added the SAG Life Achievement Award to her list of achievements. The 86-year-old will receive the award at the...