Pat Sajak announced his resignation from Wheel of Fortune by stating on X (previously Twitter) that this season would be his last. His last show is...
Zachary Quinto, the actor who plays Spock in “Star Trek,” will have to live long and prosper without a certain Toronto eatery that claims he is...
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have no chance of redeeming themselves with the public as they've done "too much damage".
Hollywood actor Nick Pasqual has been charged with attempted murder after allegedly stabbing his ex-girlfriend many times. On Wednesday, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office...
TOKYO — The internment of 120,000 Japanese Americans, including children, as adversaries during World War II is a historical event that has shocked and galvanized the...
San Bernardino, California – Sean Kingston, a rapper and musician, surrendered his right to oppose extradition in a California court on Tuesday and agreed to be...
NEW YORK — Harvey Weinstein is scheduled to appear before a judge Wednesday afternoon in the same New York City courthouse where former President Donald Trump...
Robert De Niro went on an anti-Trump tangent when he joined the Biden campaign for a press conference outside the courthouse where Trump’s hush money trial...
Boxing legend Mike Tyson was recovering Monday after getting ill on a flight from Miami to Los Angeles the day before, according to his agents. The...
Los Angeles — Johnny Wactor, a former “General Hospital” actor, was shot and died when he interrupted criminals stealing his car’s catalytic converter in Los Angeles,...