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Canada’s Liberals to Launch Pandemic Preparedness Agency



Canada's Innovation, Science and Industry Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne
Innovation, Science and Industry Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne - File Image

To strengthen Canada’s capacity to combat infectious diseases and guard against future pandemics, the federal Liberals are establishing a new agency. According to Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne, the agency’s goal is to maintain the “top-gun team” of public employees that assisted in guiding Canadians through COVID-19.

Emergency Preparedness for Health Canada’s mission is to accelerate the transition from research to commercialization to strengthen the country’s life sciences industry and guarantee that Canadians have quicker access to vaccinations, medical treatments, and diagnostics.

“The danger would have been (that) if we don’t have a permanent agency sitting somewhere, that collective knowledge that we have accumulated during COVID would even be dispersed eventually, perhaps even lost within the civil service,” Champagne told the press on Tuesday.

“We’re pulling them together in a team so that when people are talking about health, emergency readiness, they know where to knock,” Champagne said.

The Public Health Agency of Canada and Health Canada personnel will be part of the new organisation, which will have its headquarters in the Industry Department.

According to Champagne, it is based on spending that Parliament has already approved through this year’s budget and doesn’t require any new legislation. He said, “We want to maintain a very close nexus with industry.”

The organisation will coordinate activities with foreign partners, Canadian industry, and university researchers.

This comes after the European Union made a similar decision in 2021 to establish an organisation that aims to both learn from the COVID-19 pandemic’s mistakes and try to prepare the continent for pandemics.

Due to its antiquated and inadequately stocked emergency stockpile and nearly nonexistent vaccine production industry, Canada was ill-prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic.

The British Medical Journal criticised Canada’s “major pandemic failures” in the previous year, citing issues with jurisdiction and a high death rate in long-term care facilities.

However, the NDP and medical experts have urged the Trudeau government to conduct an investigation of how governments handled the COVID-19 epidemic and how they may better handle a future pandemic, following the lead of the United Kingdom.

Champagne responded that the announcement is centred on having the appropriate resources and researchers available as needed when questioned about an inquiry.

All of us hope that there won’t be any further pandemics. However, it is your duty to ensure that the team is prepared and on standby,” he stated.

When peers began looking at future event preparation, Champagne informed a biotechnology sector meeting on Friday that officials discovered Canada was not prepared in terms of coordinating “health emergency readiness.”

“We realised that things were scattered,” he stated.

He warned that Canada ran the risk of becoming the only G7 nation “without a dedicated team” in the event of a pandemic.

Upon complete functioning, the agency will possess a “industrial game plan” that will enable swift research and industrial mobilisation in the event of the declaration of another health emergency, such as a pandemic.

According to Champagne, the public’s enthusiasm for the biotechnology industry has increased as a result of the epidemic and investments in personalised medicine.

“If there is one industry that I think Canadians have fallen in love again with, it’s certainly that industry,” he stated.

Source: The Canadian Press

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Trudeau Calls Quebec Premier a Liar Over Mass Immigration



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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused Quebec's premier of lying - File Image

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused Quebec’s premier of lying and saying this he has said he “knows aren’t true” about mass immigration.

His statement comes after Premier François Legault requested the Bloc Québécois to back the Conservatives’ non-confidence motion to overthrow Trudeau’s government, claiming that Trudeau has done nothing to halt mass immigration into Quebec.

“It is a shame to hear the (premier) of Quebec sharing things and declarations on immigration that he simply knows are not true,” Trudeau said in Montreal with French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday.

“We have worked together constructively, or we have certainly worked with members of his team constructively, over the past many, many months to take action in response to the challenges around immigration in Quebec.”

Despite the Bloc’s refusal to vote against Trudeau in the no-confidence vote, Legault has proposed making immigration a ballot-box question in the next federal election. He has asked all parties to promise to reducing the number of non-permanent residents in his province by half.

Trudeau stated on Thursday that his government has worked to limit the number of newcomers by closing a popular asylum seeker pathway, reimposing a visa requirement on visiting Mexican nationals, and limiting the number of new temporary workers and international students who arrive in the country.

Trudeau then shifted the burden to the provinces, claiming that while he has moved, his provincial counterparts have yet to submit a plan for reducing the temporary workers under provincial authority.

Premier Legault stated that in the last two years, the number of temporary immigrants in Quebec under Trudeau’s immigration policy has doubled to 600,000 from 300,000, putting a strain on housing, schools, and public services.

Last month, Quebec’s premier placed a six-month moratorium on some low-wage temporary foreign worker applications in Montreal, but recognised that the move would only cut the number by around 3,500.

He has frequently urged Trudeau to lower the number of non-permanent residents subject to federal control from approximately 420,000 to 210,000, as well as to delegate additional immigration authorities to Quebec.

Legault was also in Montreal on Thursday for his own meeting with Macron, but he did not respond to reporters’ questions as he left.

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Trudeau Survives No Confidence Vote Angering The Vast Majority of Canadians



Trudeau Canada
78% of Canadians want Justin Trudeau to step down as leader - File Image

Backroom talks between the separatist Bloc Quebecois and the socialist New Democratic Party helped Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau survive a vote of no confidence on Wednesday.

In the days and weeks ahead, Trudeau will confront more obstacles, as the Conservatives have pledged to launch another attempt to depose the government as early as next Tuesday.

Members of parliament voted 211 to 120 against the Conservative move to depose the Liberals and call for immediate elections after an angry debate in which they slammed fists on desks and insulted each other.

Pierre Poilievre, leader of the Conservative Party, has been demanding an election ever since the socialist New Democratic Party (NDP) supposedly ruptured a coalition deal with the Liberals, making Trudeau’s Democrats susceptible.

The rising cost of living, the housing crisis, and the crime rate are all issues that Mr. Poilievre has accused Justin Trudeau of ignoring as Canada’s national debt has skyrocketed.

During Tuesday’s Commons discussion, Poilievre stated that Canada’s pledge had been “broken” “after nine years of Liberal government.”

However, Trudeau has been secretly working with other opposition parties to secure concessions that will allow him to retain power. These parties are essential for overthrowing the Liberals. Ignoring the fact that 78% of Canadians would like Justin Trudeau to step down as leader.

To avoid yet another political impasse, the New Democratic Party (NDP) swiftly regrouped with the Liberals after the vote of no confidence in order to enact capital gains tax legislation that would impact the vast majority of Canadians.

Another No Confidence Vote Coming

Next week, Poilievre will have another chance to topple the administration, but he has promised to keep trying. Even if it doesn’t work, he still has time to try again before the year is out.

In exchange for continuing to back the Liberals in Parliament past the end of October, the separatist Bloc Quebecois has also asked for certain concessions.

Through a combination with the far-left NDP party, Trudeau was able to unseat Poilievre’s two predecessors in 2019 and 2021 ballots, despite the majority of Canadians disapproving.

His administration would have remained in power until the latter half of 2025 had he struck a deal with the New Democratic Party to support the Liberals. However, the New Democratic Party (NDP) pulled out of the arrangement abruptly after seeing that its coalition with the Liberals was undercutting its own support.

Trudeau Hated in Canada

Recent polling by Angus Reid puts the Conservatives in a commanding lead over the Liberals; 43% of respondents want to vote Conservative, while 21% intend to vote Liberal. There is a 19% NDP presence.

On the other hand, Bloc leader Yves-Francois Blanchette announced on Wednesday that he would work to ensure the government’s survival until October’s conclusion.

But by that point, he warned, the Bloc would rebel against the Liberals unless their legislative goals had been advanced.

A governing party in Canada’s Westminster parliamentary system needs to keep the support of the majority of members in order to hold the confidence of the House of Commons.

Currently, there are 153 Liberal seats, 119 Conservative seats, 33 Bloc Quebecois seats, and 25 New Democratic Party seats.

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As Trudeau Gaslights About a Great Economy Canadians See the Truth



Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland talk of a booming econmy
Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland talk of a booming econmy - CBC Image

As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues to gaslight Canadians into believing they have never had such a great economy. Canadians can see from their daily lives that things are far different from how Justin Trudeau presents them,

All this week Trudeau and his Liberal casuals members tried touting how great Canada’s economy is in the House of Commons.

Trudeau said Wednesday that, following the U.S. and Brazil, Canada was third in the world for foreign investment in the G20 per capita.

“Inflation is in the target range for seven months in a row. Interest rates are down three times in a row and the IMF says that we will have the strongest economic growth in the G7,” Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said.

“We have the strongest economy in the G7, foreign direct investment per capita is tops in the world,” added Immigration Minister Marc Miller.

However despite Trudeau’s fantasy claims after three years of terrible inflation, Canadians still find sticker shock over food prices. Yes, inflation has dropped to 2%, but this does not suggest that prices are declining; rather, they are merely rising by 2% instead of the 8.1% peak we seen not too long ago.

Earlier this year, Stat Canada reported that food bought from retailers raised 21.9% in price between “June 2021 to June 2024.” People see each and every week when they visit the store that those costs have not dropped to their former levels.

Restaurant owners have had to pay for higher labour costs as salaries have grown in addition to paying more for food, so driving prices there through the roof. While workers embrace those pay raises, a weak dollar and a declining GDP per capita have reduced Canadians’ buying power.

Canada’s GDP per capita, which gauges our level of living, is the same as it was in 2017, claims Stats Can. We are growing poorer while our American neighbours are becoming wealthier.

According to Brian Lilley from the Toronto Sun this is the reality Canadians are dealing with when it comes to the economy, not a study from a far of foreign organization. And as the Trudeau government points to interest rates coming down, that doesn’t mean Canadians aren’t still hurting.

According to Lilly, from the 30.9% increase noted in August 2023, the newest inflation report indicates that the mortgage interest expense index is still shockingly 18.8%. This is an improvement from However, the cost of real estate in that period has risen and Canadians are still paying more for renewing their mortgages than they were five years ago.

Concurrently, unemployment has dropped from 5% just over two years ago to 6.6% in the most recent employment data.

Not the indicators of a strong economy include food prices, mortgage and rent costs, unemployment, decreasing GDP per capita. Telling Canadians things is simply fantastic when they can clearly see that’s not the case isn’t a winning political tactic.

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