Missing A Beat, Streaming Service Spotify Is Back After A Temporary Outage

Kiara Grace

NEW YORK — Spotify, a music streaming service, was down briefly on Sunday, leaving thousands of listeners without access to songs and podcasts.


Missing A Beat, Streaming Service Spotify Is Back After A Temporary Outage

Over 40,000 people reported outages with the music platform on downdetector.com, a website where users can report issues with popular apps and services.

“We’re aware of some issues right now and are checking them out!” the company said on X Sunday afternoon.

Spotify customers responded to the article by complaining about the outage disturbing their workout routines and plans to stream a playlist during a child’s birthday party.

About an hour later, the streaming service said things were looking much better. The app appeared to function normally.


Missing A Beat, Streaming Service Is Back After A Temporary Outage

Millions of people use the app, the most popular streaming service in 2023. The music site has over 626 million users, including 246 million subscriptions.


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Kiara Grace is a staff writer at VORNews, a reputable online publication. Her writing focuses on technology trends, particularly in the realm of consumer electronics and software. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for breaking down complex topics.
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