Chris Hemsworth, a Hollywood superstar, has announced that he will be “taking time off” after promoting his new Disney+ series, Limitless. Following the filming of an...
The second weekend of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever grossed $66 million, or 64% less than its projected $70 million. That does not necessarily cause concern, as...
Ticketmaster has announced that it will cancel Friday’s planned general public sale for Taylor Swift’s upcoming stadium tour due to a lack of tickets. The decision...
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in the United Kingdom has authorized seven additional charges against Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey for sexual assaults against one man between...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has led Democrats in the US House of Representatives for nearly two decades, has announced her resignation. The 82-year-old is the...
Taylor Swift’s next US concert tour tickets have yet to go on sale to the general public, but many fans hoping to see her in concert...
President Joe Biden touted his plan to cancel billions of dollars in student debt in the days and weeks leading up to the midterm elections as...
Hollywood actor Brendan Fraser, whose performance in “The Whale” has made him a likely Golden Globes award contender this year, has stated that if nominated, he...
At the G20 summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping chastised Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for leaking details of a previous meeting, during which Trudeau expressed concern about...
In the defence’s closing arguments on Tuesday, the rape allegations against actor Danny Masterson were so rife with contradictions and inconsistencies that the prosecution in their...