Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who gained widespread attention after her tumultuous past came to light, recently welcomed her first child. However, her decision not to share baby...
Many people adore golden retriever puppies due to their intelligence, eagerness to please, and amiable, playful, and loving disposition. With their gentle disposition and ability to...
If you enjoy Crown Royal Canadian whisky, the company has announced the launch of a new expression, which will join its lineup of famous sipping whiskies....
Beef prices have reached record highs on grocery store shelves in Canada as many grocers and butchers prepare for the busiest time of year of the...
Paul Bernardo, a notorious serial killer, has been denied parole for the third time during a hearing before the Parole Board of Canada. The parole board...
Tech Billionaire Musk, who supported President Donald Trump’s second presidential attempt, predicts that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will lose the next election. Musk made his...
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has ordered an immediate end to the highly controversial fast-track study visa program after major blowback over unvetted criminals entering Canada through...
Ujjal Dev Dosanjh, a former Liberal cabinet member and former Premier of British Columbia, has referred to Prime member Justin Trudeau as an “idiot” who has...
After former President Donald Trump’s election victory, a senior Hamas official issued a statement in which he called for the immediate cessation of Israel’s war against...
Washington—Federal officials confirmed new cases of E. coli illness among McDonald’s customers on Wednesday, as investigators looking for the outbreak’s origins discovered an “onion grower of...