Keep a watch on the skies tonight and tomorrow; you don’t want to miss the full pink moon, not the blue moon! According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, you’ll get the best view about 7:49 p.m. ET.
This is when “peak illumination” occurs. As the full moon rises above the horizon, it will appear brightest and most vibrant to our eyes.
Where should you go to have the finest experience under the pink full moon? The Old Farmer’s Almanac suggests going somewhere with a good view of the open sky. If possible, attempt to select a location where the horizon is not covered by towering buildings or trees.
Although the pink moon will be a stunning sight to behold, it is not as colorful as it appears. It should appear rich amber at first, but it will fade to white as it rises into the night sky.
You may be wondering why it’s called a pink moon when it doesn’t look pink. According to USA now, many of the names we use for full moons now originate in much older Native American traditions. These names were mainly associated with natural events that month.
Pink Moon: Full Moon in April 2024
In April, Phlox subulata, often known as creeping phlox or moss phlox, began to flower. These rosy-hued petals were also known as “moss pink,” which is how the pink full moon got its name.
In February, we watched the snow moon rise in the sky. Last month brought the worm moon, which slightly less appetizing moniker refers to the presence of worms in nature during early spring.
According to, next month will see the floral moon. This May full moon is named after the abundance of blooms that will appear throughout this spring season.
A “pink moon” is an April full moon named for the early springtime blooms that paint landscapes in brilliant pinks and reds. It’s a celestial sight that signals nature’s rebirth after winter.
The pink hue is caused by sunlight refraction through the atmosphere, albeit it rarely seems that rosy tone.
Still, the name recalls the splendor of spring’s emergence, reminding us of the earth’s natural cycles. For many, the pink moon represents rejuvenation and new beginnings.
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