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Unrelenting Heatwave: From Morocco to the US, How Extreme Temperatures Are Impacting Lives



Unrelenting Heatwave From Morocco to the US, How Extreme Temperatures Are Impacting Lives

People were sleeping on rooftops in Morocco’s Middle Atlas due to the extreme heatwave. Hanna Ouhbour wanted refuge as well, but she was waiting outside a hospital for her diabetic cousin, who was in a room with no air conditioning.

On Wednesday, there were 21 heat-related deaths at Beni Mellal’s main hospital as temperatures climbed to 48.3 degrees Celsius (118.9 degrees Fahrenheit) in the territory of 575,000 people, most of whom did not have air conditioning.

“We don’t have money, and we don’t have a choice,” said Ouhbour, a 31-year-old unemployed woman from Kasba Tadla, an even hotter city that some experts call one of the hottest on the planet.

“The majority of the deaths were among people suffering from chronic diseases and the elderly, as the high temperatures contributed to the deterioration of their health condition and led to their death,” said Kamal Elyansli, the regional director of health.

This is life or death in the heat.

As the warming Earth sizzled through a week with four of the hottest days ever recorded, the world concentrated on cold, hard data indicating the average daily temperature for the whole planet.

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However, the 17.16 degrees recorded on Monday do not accurately reflect how oppressively sticky any one location became during the peak of sunshine and humidity. The thermometer does not tell the narrative of Heatwave that refused to go away at night so that people might sleep.

The records are about statistics and keeping score. However, humans do not feel data. They feel the heat.

“We don’t need scientists to tell us what the temperature is outside because our bodies tell us right away,” said Humayun Saeed, a 35-year-old roadside fruit seller in Pakistan’s cultural capital, Lahore.

Saeed had to visit the hospital twice in June due to Heatwave stroke.

“The situation is much better now, as it was not easy to work in May and June because of the heatwave, but I have been avoiding the morning walk,” Saeed told the reporter. “I may resume it in August when the temperature will go further down.”

The Heatwave made Delia, a 38-year-old pregnant lady standing outside a Bucharest, Romania, railway station, feel even more uncomfortable. The heat during the day made her drowsy. With no air conditioning at night, she considered sleeping in her car, like a friend did.

“I’ve noticed a significant increase in temperatures.” I believe that was the same for everyone. “I felt it even more because I was pregnant,” said Delia, who only gave her first name. “But I suppose it wasn’t just me. “Everyone felt this.”

Self-proclaimed weather nerd. Karin Bumbaco was in her element, but it became a little too much when Seattle experienced day after day of considerably higher-than-normal temperatures.

“I enjoy science. I enjoy the weather. Bumbaco, Washington’s deputy state climatologist, remarked, “I have since I was a little kid.” “It’s exciting to see daily records smashed. But in recent years, simply living through it and feeling the Heatwave has grown increasingly unpleasant on a daily basis.”

“Like the recent streak we’ve had. I was not sleeping well. “I don’t have air conditioning at home,” Bumbaco stated. “Every morning, I checked the thermostat to see if it was slightly warmer than the previous warm morning. It was simply increasing the temperature in the home, and I couldn’t wait for it to be finished.”

For climate experts all throughout the world, what had previously been an academic exercise regarding climate change became a reality.

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“I’ve been analysing these numbers from the cool of my office, but the Heatwave has started to affect me as well, causing sleepless nights due to warmer urban temperatures,” said Roxy Mathew Koll, a climate scientist at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology in Pune, Maharashtra, which has a relatively mild climate.

“My children return home from school during the peak hours exhausted,” claims Koll. “Last month one of my colleagues’ mother died from heatstroke in north India.”

Philip Mote, a climate scientist and dean of Oregon State University’s graduate school, had moved to California’s Central Valley as a junior in high school, when July temperatures reached triple digits.

“I pretty quickly figured I didn’t like a hot dry climate,” Mote recounted. “And that’s why I moved to the Northwest.”

For decades, Mote worked on climate concerns from the comfort of Oregon, where people feared that with global warming, the Pacific Northwest “would be the last nice place to live in the US, and everyone would move here and we’d have overpopulation.”

However, the region was plagued by devastating fires in 2020 and a deadly heatwave in 2021, prompting some people to evacuate what was supposed to be a climatic sanctuary.

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In the second week of July, the temperature reached 40 degrees Celsius. Mote, a member of a masters’ rowing club, practises on the water on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, but this week they opted to simply float down the river on tubes.

According to John Tullius, general manager of Boise River Raft & Tube, tubing in temperatures that have hovered between 37 and 42 degrees for 17 days has become so popular that there is a 30-minute to an hour wait to get into the water.

“I think it’s been record numbers these last 10 days in a row,” Tullius said, adding that he was concerned about his outside workers, particularly the physical strain on those who pick up rafts at the end of the voyage.

He built special shade shelters for them, hired more workers to help with the workload, and encouraged them to drink plenty of water.

The swan-shaped pedal boat rental store in Denver’s City Park isn’t very busy because it’s quite hot outside, and those brave souls who do go out must sit on hot fibreglass seats.

There isn’t much cover for the labourers, “but we do hide in our little shack,” said 23-year-old Dominic Prado. “We also have a very strong fan in there that I like to raise my shirt over just to cool down.”

Source: South China Morning Post

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Elon Musk has Often Stirred Up Political Unrest, Which Makes People Worry About the US Election.



Elon Musk

(VOR News) – Following the weekend Trump assassination attempt, Elon Musk informed X that “no one is even trying to assassinate” the Democratic president and vice president.

Musk declared, “civil war is inevitable,” during UK anti-Muslim riots brought on by unfounded allegations. Musk called the allegation of fake voter registrations in three US states raised “very concerning” by an unidentified X user.

Authorities have labelled Musk’s three tweets dishonest and careless. One of the most powerful people in the world can spread hate, terror, and false information with millions of views and hundreds of likes during political unrest.

Elon Musk runs Twitter and might change how material is distributed.

Musk’s website’s lack of security and his false assertions to his 200 million fans raise public trust issues as Election Day draws near. Should Trump be reelected and increase his political activity, he volunteered to supervise a government efficiency committee.

Monday night at X, Trump referred to Musk as a “friend.” Musk turned down a comment email request. Experts and electoral officials claim Elon Musk’s vote might be called into doubt. They fear that bringing this up could encourage harassment of candidates and election volunteers.

Co-founder of the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism Heidi Beirich notes “X and Musk are dangerously and irresponsibly raising the temperature of politics at a critical juncture.” Such shame.

Conservatives praise the 53-year-old entrepreneur who bought Twitter in 2022 and turned it into a free market for ideas. X is better than conventional media since people may write freely and find the “truth”.

Elon Musk let false information spread about the company’s changes over the past two years.

Following his takeover, the hate speech policy, content moderation, and Trust and Safety advisory council were wiped from the website. He established content partnerships, restored conspiracy theorist accounts, and produced fictitious Community Notes.

Both sides lie and buy thousands of X shares. Following a Pennsylvania gunman’s ear shot of Trump, the left spread false rumours. Following the discussion between Trump and Harris, far-right trolls asserted Harris wore an earpiece.

Elon Musk endangered the 2020 trustworthy information center, says Rick Hasen. People nowadays see Twitter (X) differently. Hasen thinks millions of viewers and sponsors left the network for a specific reason. His data is inaccurate. Hasen thinks the market of ideas should be efficient enough for consumers to find false claims.

Numerous Republicans disagree with Elon Musk. They assert that the prior proprietor of the website misled regarding Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son, and COVID-19’s beginnings.

Elon Musk discusses kids, memes, Tesla, SpaceX, and On the website, he disseminates incorrect political assertions including Democrats “importing” immigrants to vote and Haitian immigrants in Ohio slaughtering and eating pets.

Jocelyn Benson, Democratic secretary of state for Michigan, said in an interview last month that Musk’s election tweets were a “maelstrom of disinformation” making voter education challenging.

“I know most election officials just keep their heads down and work,” he continues. “How do we inform the public about our work—many of whom follow Musk, X, or the platform?”

Election officials have told Elon Musk supporters. Using X post, the Republican recorder for Maricopa County, Arizona, covering Phoenix, offered Musk an all-access tour of an election centre.

Four secretaries, including Minnesota Democrat Steve Simon, wrote to Elon Musk following the publication of erroneous election rules this summer by Grok, an artificial intelligence tool. Musk’s most recent modification earned praise.

Like Twitter before Musk, Elon Musk may find electoral fallacies.

“It’s one thing to not like the Minnesota election system, or any election system for that matter,” he continued, “but incorrect vote totals have to be fixed.”

Head of the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Jen Easterly responded to Elon Musk’s claim last month that most U.S. elections do not use paper ballots. The 2020 election was the last chance “all states w/close presidential vote counts actually used paper records, allowing votes to be counted, recounted, & audited to ensure accuracy.”

Once the X owner realises his posts are incorrect, he deletes them. Supporting a Tucker Carlson Holocaust revisionist interview last month set off wrath. Deleted.

On Sunday, Musk wrote off Biden and Harris’ lack of assassination attempts. Andrew Bates, a White House spokesman, labelled the remarks “irresponsible” and stated, “violent jokes should only be condemned.”

Most celebrities, according to University of Virginia media studies professor Siva Vaidhyanathan, are careful while making jokes since they know not everyone will understand them or react suitably. Musk refuted owning such a filter.

Vaidhyanathan doubts Musk’s political dishonesty. His phoney election expenses cost him and others sponsors’ platform money. Musk, he said, “just one more voice in that cacophony.”



Market Speculation Over the Next Fed Rate Reduction Hides More Fundamental Issues.

Uber will Introduce Trip Recording Tools and a “Verified” Rider Badge in the United States.


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Market Speculation Over the Next Fed Rate Reduction Hides More Fundamental Issues.




(VOR News) – This is the best of times for someone setting US rates from a chair.

The Federal Reserve is now open to criticism from all directions since the meeting on September monetary policy concluded on Wednesday.

Given its painstaking preparation for its first cut since the epidemic, there is little question at all that it will decrease prices. Trading floors, newsroom nerds, and investment offices are rife with arguments about whether it will be cut by a half percentage point or the typical quarter-point haircut.

Head of macro and strategic asset allocation at investing company Fidelity Salman Ahmed says “the obsession has been like it’s the end of the world.”

“It looks like the market is putting pressure on the Fed.”

Arguing for a quarter-point cut from the present 5.25 percent to the 5.5% target range is really simple. Given inflation has returned to the Fed’s target and the employment market is slowing but not collapsing, it is now time to slightly ease the brakes using the standard step.

As Team “Go Large” notes, Fed Chairman Jay Powell’s comments on the “pace” of easing at the Jackson Hole conference back in the summer inadvertently set the ground for a debate on the degree of rate cuts.

More recently, quite serious people have argued for a half-point cut, including former New York Fed president Bill Dudley.

Noticing this, rate speculators suddenly shifted their predictions from a certain little cut to a respectable possibility of a significant one.

Here the Fed runs in the danger of coming across as scared. Going big on paper suggests that rate setters believe they have to fast turn around their course because they believe they have made a mistake in maintaining interest rates at their highest level in decades for too long and that it is too late to avert a recession from commencing.

Still, markets have embraced the concept of such a sizable decrease this time around. If it doesn’t horrify the markets, why not start with a bang?

The general view seems to be that they are trying to squeeze the Federal Reserve. A double chop, especially as the first action in an easing cycle, usually implies that investors believe a recession is approaching since the markets for interest rates point to more notable declines in the next year.

Studies show, meanwhile, that investors do not truly believe that. More politely, they are bluffing on this point; else, they are hedging for worst-case conditions.

Based on Bank of America’s weekly fund manager poll this week, just 11% of investors believe the US economy is likely to land gently. Still, 79% of respondents expect a more subdued slowdown. Once more the rates markets are showing their extroversion.

The greatest immediate source of difficulty for the markets will thus be Powell’s communication skills, which will be tested during the back-and-forth of the press conference following the meeting.

Would it be a fearful half-point cut to prevent catastrophe or a joyful half-point cut announcing success against inflation? Would a quarter suggest that the central bank is still terrified of inflation and is still too rigid to take chances?

The Fed’s army of relentless internet enemies is showing off their strength.

Strong possibility of volatile market fluctuations exists here. A paper published this week by the Bank of International Settlements, the think tank for big central banks, highlights “hypersensitive” market conditions brought up by this summer’s run-to-the-hills.

All of this thrill, though, hides a more important and broader statement about a change in the global asset hierarchy. Usually, the Fed shapes the global monetary policy scene. Still, the US economy is slowing down to more closely match those of other countries rather than imploding.

“Fading US exceptionalism is an important theme,” says Sam Lynton-Brown, global head of macro strategy at French bank BNP Paribas. That suggests that US GDP is larger than that of its peers, US bond yields are more than those of its peers, and US assets outperform peers is most likely going to decrease.

Though a nice diversion from other, far more significant issues and from the debate of where rates should decrease, it is nevertheless a diversion. “Once you get past the Fed, it’s going to be election risk, recession risk, or, at least we forget, inflation could come back,” Ahmed of Fidelity says.

The stakes will then be so great that today’s frantic supposition about the narcissism of small distinctions will seem meagre.



Uber will Introduce Trip Recording Tools and a “Verified” Rider Badge in the United States.

Amazon Mandates that Employees Report to the Office on Five Consecutive Days.

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Uber will Introduce Trip Recording Tools and a “Verified” Rider Badge in the United States.




(VOR News) – Uber is currently in the process of integrating new capabilities into its operations, as indicated in a statement that was officially posted by the ride-hailing company on Tuesday.

The company disclosed this information at the time of its announcement. Uber drivers will be able to confirm “verified” badges on client profiles and record journeys using their cellphones instead of a dashcam with the newly expanded capabilities.

This will be feasible due to the recently enhanced capabilities. Furthermore, drivers will have the ability to record trips on their mobile devices, specifically their computers.

This is part of Uber’s safety study for 2021 and 2022.

The research indicated that drivers were accountable for 31% of sexual assaults directed at passengers, while they were responsible for 68% of sexual assaults directed at Uber drivers.

This information is presented in the context of Uber’s reporting of this safety report. Although this information is presented in the context of Uber’s publication of this study, it is crucial to emphasise that Uber disclosed the study. It is anticipated that the implementation of this invention will result in a greater sense of safety being exhibited by vehicles, which will be beneficial to motorists.

Uber drivers in the United States will be able to ascertain whether or not a passenger has completed additional verification procedures starting on Wednesday.

They will have access to this capability. This capability will be accessible to them. To achieve this objective, it will be necessary to exhibit a “Verified” passenger badge throughout the entire travel request process. In order to achieve this objective, this approach will be implemented.

Uber effectively implemented a pilot program in a limited number of locations throughout the United States during the initial months of this year.

A diverse array of states in the United States are home to this collection of locations. The majority of passengers who originate from that specific location have been validated, and the app has received fewer complaints from drivers regarding these customers. This is consistent with the information that the organisation furnished.

The corporation asserts that approximately 15,000 passenger accounts with fictitious identities have been blocked. The corporation provided this information. The corporation provided us with this information, which is commendable.

Uber drivers can record audio and video with their phones’ front cameras.

They will have access to this trait in the future. Immediately, they will have access to this capability that is within their reach. Drivers will no longer be required to acquire dashcams as a result of the endeavours that have been undertaken. This outcome is a direct result of our endeavours.

Furthermore, it is anticipated that each recording will be encrypted and stored on the devices being used by chauffeurs. This is anticipated to occur as a result.

Uber and the drivers will be unable to access the recordings until either the drivers voluntarily submit them to the company for review or the drivers themselves transmit them to the company.

Furthermore, Uber is presently engaged in a test program that allows drivers to decline to transport a customer if the passenger has rated the journey with two or three stars.

Uber is presently conducting this test program. In addition, Uber is also closely monitoring the implementation of this experimental program. It is a continuation of Uber’s current policy, which stipulates that drivers are immediately mismatched with passengers immediately after rating a ride with one star. This alternative is an extension of that methodology.

This alternative is indicative of the policy’s perpetuation. By carrying over this policy into this possibility, this option is established, which symbolises Uber’s perpetuation of that policy. This option is currently available for consideration.



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Amazon Mandates that Employees Report to the Office on Five Consecutive Days.

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