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Macron Orders Thousands of Homeless Migrants Bused Out of Paris Ahead of Olympic Games



Homeless Migrants Being Bused Out of Paris - Getty Images
Homeless Migrants Being Bused Out of Paris - Getty Images

To conceal the migrant homeless issue before of the upcoming Olympic Games, French President Emmanuel Macron has ordered thousands of homeless immigrants to be bused out of Paris. The Olympic Games Paris 2024 will take place from 26 July to 11 August.

Promised shelter elsewhere, the migrants living on Paris’s streets claimed to have ended themselves living on strange streets far from home or tagged for deportation.

President Macron assured everyone the Olympic Games will highlight the majesty of France. But the Olympic Village was constructed in one of Paris’s poorest areas, where thousands of immigrants and locals live in street camps, makeshift shelters or abandoned houses.

Macron’s government officials refrained to remark to the New York Times. They have claimed, however, that this is a “voluntary program” meant to help Paris with its acute accommodation shortfall.

The Macron government established ten temporary shelters around Paris last year since city officials claim there is insufficient refuge capacity for the 100,000 homeless migrants living in and around the city.

Macron’s government disputes any connection between the busing and the Olympics. First reported by the publication L’Équipe, the New York Times later acquired an email from a government housing official stating the aim was to “identify people on the street in sites near Olympic venues” and relocate them before the summer Olympic Games 2024.

Working with city officials, the Paris city police have expanded searches on homeless camps and abandoned buildings for those who have been evicted claiming they would help move them.

Many homeless immigrants were unaware that they were joining a government initiative to evaluate them for possible Asylum and maybe deport them.

Although the program has long run, the evictions have attracted thousands of fresh immigrants, many of whom are not qualified for refuge.

The homeless migrants have to dwell in shelters for up to three weeks following their arrival in their new towns and undergo asylum eligibility screening.

Those qualified can seek for asylum and get long-term accommodation. About sixty percent of those living in the temporary shelters, however, do not find long-term accommodation.

Most have been issued deportation orders, hence some lawyers advise individuals not to board the buses and instead to take their chances on the streets. “It’s an antechamber to deportation,” Paris-based attorney Emmanuel Pereira told the New York Times.

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Germany Begins Conducting Checks At All Its Land Borders




Köhl, Germany — Germany began random checks at its crossings with five Western European countries on Monday to combat irregular migration, adding to a system of mobile border controls that is already in place at four other frontiers.

The border checks with France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Denmark began before sunrise Monday and are expected to last six months. Germany has already conducted border inspections with Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Switzerland since last year.


Germany Begins Conducting Checks At All Its Land Borders

Germany, a member of the 27-member European Union, stated last week that it would expand border inspections to all nine of its land borders this week in an effort to combat irregular migration and crime in the wake of recent extremist attacks. Three people were killed in a knife assault in Solingen last month, which was blamed on a Syrian asylum seeker. The suspect claimed to be inspired by the Islamic State. In June, a knife attack linked to an Afghan immigrant killed a police officer and injured four other persons.

Border controls are putting European unity to the test, as some perceive them as a departure from the spirit of the EU’s Schengen free travel and commerce agreement. One of the most valued benefits of the EU is the ability for Europeans to freely travel across borders for jobs and pleasure.

Germany, the EU’s largest country, is positioned in the heart of Europe and shares borders with more countries than any other EU member. Some trade unions have expressed worry that the curbs may harm trade.

However, a return to a previous system with closed borders and mandated border inspections for all crossings seems unlikely.

Nonetheless, German police believe the expanded checks represent a significant challenge to them.

Andreas Rosskopf, the leader of Germany’s Federal Police Union, stated that everybody crossing the border into Germany should now expect to be inspected. However, he noted that due to the length of the country’s boundaries, authorities will not be able to stop and check every car.

He pointed out that Germany has 1,400 kilometers (870 miles) on its western border, in addition to the 2,400 kilometers (1,490 miles) along its eastern and southern borders, where inspections are already in place.

He stated in an interview with RBB24 Info radio that “given the length of the border, permanent and intensive checks are not possible.” According to him, “it remains to be seen how successful it will be in curbing migration and people smuggling.”


Germany Begins Conducting Checks At All Its Land Borders

According to the EU, member states may temporarily restore controls at the EU’s so-called internal borders in the event of a major threat to internal security. However, it also states that border controls should be used as a last resort in extraordinary circumstances and must be time-restricted.

Such limitations are frequently imposed at large sporting events, such as the recent Olympic Games in Paris and the European Football Championship.

The unpopular coalition administration of Chancellor Olaf Scholz has tightened border controls to crack down on irregular immigration after the far right performed well in two recent state elections in eastern Germany. Another is coming next Sunday in Brandenburg, the state that surrounds Berlin.


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A River Otter Attacks A Child At A Seattle-Area Marina




Bremerton, Washington – A river otter attacked a boy at a Seattle marina, dragging him from a dock and into the water before his mother rescued him, wildlife officials said.

The toddler was pulled underneath and resurfaced briefly during the encounter Thursday at 9:30 a.m. near the Bremerton Marina in Kitsap County, according to a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife press release.


A River Otter Attacks A Child At A Seattle-Area Marina

The otter continued to attack and scratch as the mother dragged the child from the water. Wildlife officials say the animal chased them as they exited the dock. The child was treated in a hospital.

“We are grateful the victim only sustained minor injuries, due to the mother’s quick actions and the child’s resiliency,” Fish and Wildlife Sgt. Ken Balazs said. “We would also like to thank the Port of Bremerton for their quick coordination and communication to their marina tenants.”

Officers captured the otter and transported it to a disease diagnostic facility for testing, including rabies, according to the announcement. On Saturday, the government announced that illness testing results could be available as early as next Tuesday.


A River Otter Attacks A Child At A Seattle-Area Marina

River otters are prevalent in Washington and can be found in both fresh and saltwater settings, officials added. They noted that encounters with people are rare, with only six occurring in the last decade. River otters can be territorial and, “like any wildlife, are inherently unpredictable,” experts stated.


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Putin Says US Long-Range Missiles Hitting Russia an Act of War



Putin Says US Long-Range Missiles Hitting Russia an Act of War
Putin Says US Long-Range Missiles Hitting Russia an Act of War -Getty Images

Speaking in St. Petersburg, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a clear warning to the West: do not allow Ukraine to deploy its long-range missiles to hit Russian territory. Russia would interpret this as NATO’s’ direct participation in the conflict in Ukraine and an act of war.

“This would substantially change the very essence, the nature of the conflict,” Vladimir Putin continued.

“This will mean that NATO countries, and especially the USA and European states, are at war with Russia.”

He said that Ukraine would need data from US satellites to launch missiles into Russia, and that only personnel from NATO member nations and the US defence department would be able to “input flight missions into these missile systems”.

Russia has already drawn red lines with NATO on its border. I’ve seen them cross before these lines before.

On February 24, 2022, when he announced the launch of his “special military operation” – a full-scale invasion of Ukraine – President Putin issued a warning to “those who may be tempted to interfere from the outside”.

“No matter who tries to stand in our way or create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately,” Putin said. “The consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history.”

Vice President Harris

Vice President Harris – White House Image

The Biden-Harris administration has widely ignored what they largely perceive as nuclear sabre-rattling. The West has since supplied Ukraine with tanks, advanced missile systems, and, most recently, F-16 American fighter jets.

According to the BBC, Russia has already accused Ukraine of employing American long-range ATACMS missiles to target Crimea, a Ukrainian peninsula that Russia has occupied.

The tone of Putin’s most recent words suggests that he believes that hitting Russian territory with Western missile systems will escalate the confrontation, possibly to WWIII.

What Putin did not specify yesterday was how Moscow would retaliate.

“We will take corresponding decisions based on the threats to us that will be created,” Putin told reporters.

On Friday, Russia expelled six British diplomats, accusing them of “subversive activities” and endangering Russian security.

During a meeting with the leaders of international news agencies, he was asked how Russia would react if Ukraine was given the opportunity to strike targets on Russian territory with weapons supplied by Europe.

“First, of course, we will upgrade our air defence systems. “We will destroy their missiles,” President Putin responded.

Russian missiles

Russia Beefs Up Missile Defense – Getty Images

“Second, we believe that if someone is thinking it is possible to supply such weapons to a war zone to strike our territory and create problems for us, why can’t we supply our weapons of the same class to those regions around the world where they will target sensitive facilities of the countries that are doing this to Russia?”

In other words, Moscow has considered arming foes of the US to strike Western targets abroad.

Earlier this month, Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, indicated that the country was planning to update its nuclear doctrine, which outlines the parameters under which Moscow may consider using nuclear weapons.

He claimed that the decision to alter the doctrine was “connected with the escalation course of [Russia’s] Western adversaries”.

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