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YouTube Toughens Policy On Gun Videos And Youth; Critics Say Proof Will Be In Enforcement



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Washington  — YouTube is modifying its regulations regarding firearm videos to prevent potentially deadly content from reaching teenage users.

Google’s video-sharing network announced Wednesday that it will restrict videos detailing how to remove weapon safety mechanisms. Furthermore, films of homemade guns, automatic weapons, and certain firearm accessories, such as silencers, will be prohibited for individuals aged 18 and up.


Youtube | PixaBay Image

YouTube Toughens Policy On Gun Videos And Youth; Critics Say Proof Will Be In Enforcement

The measures, which go into effect on June 18, came after gun safety activists repeatedly urged the platform to do more to prevent gun videos from reaching the site’s youngest users, possibly scarring youngsters or leading them down dark roads of extremism and violence.

Katie Paul, director of the Tech Transparency Project, described the adjustment as good news and a start in the right direction. However, she questioned why the company took so long to implement a new policy and stated that her group would monitor how successfully YouTube implemented its new regulation.

“Firearms are the number one cause of death for children and teens in America,” said Paul, whose organization has long advocated for stricter age restrictions on online gun videos. “As usual with YouTube, the true test of progress is whether the business enforces the policies it puts in place. Until YouTube takes meaningful effort to keep videos on firearms and gun violence from reaching kids, its policies are meaningless.”

Last year, researchers from Paul’s group constructed YouTube profiles that replicated the behavior of 9-year-old American boys who claimed to be interested in video games. The researchers discovered that YouTube’s recommendation system sent these accounts graphic videos of school shootings, tactical gun training films, and how-to instructions for making rifles fully automatic.


Youtube | Pixa Bay Image

YouTube Toughens Policy On Gun Videos And Youth; Critics Say Proof Will Be In Enforcement

One video showed an elementary school-aged girl clutching a weapon, while another showed a gunman firing a.50 caliber revolver into a dummy head covered in lifelike blood and brains. Many of the videos broke YouTube’s regulations prohibiting violent or graphic content.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg urged YouTube last month to curb the spread of firearm-related content to underage viewers, accusing the business of failing to police its standards. On Wednesday, Bragg praised the company’s new policy.

“We have heard firsthand from young individuals that YouTube’s algorithm is driving them to the world of illegal and 3D-printed firearms, which is having a direct impact on the safety of Manhattanites,” Bragg stated in an email to reporters.

YouTube stated that the policy modifications were intended to reflect new technologies, such as 3D-printed firearms, which have become increasingly common in recent years. YouTube requires users under 17 to obtain permission from their parents before using the site; accounts for users under 13 are linked to the parental account.


Youtube | Pixa Bay Image

YouTube Toughens Policy On Gun Videos And Youth; Critics Say Proof Will Be In Enforcement

“We regularly review our guidelines and consult with outside experts to make sure we are drawing the line at the right place,” said business spokesperson Javier Hernandez.

YouTube, like TikTok, is a popular website among children and teenagers. Both sites have previously been questioned for hosting and, in some cases, promoting videos encouraging gun violence, eating disorders, and self-harm.

Several offenders in recent mass shootings have used social media and video streaming services to glorify violence, anticipate assaults, and even livestream them.


Kiara Grace is a staff writer at VORNews, a reputable online publication. Her writing focuses on technology trends, particularly in the realm of consumer electronics and software. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for breaking down complex topics, Kiara delivers insightful analyses that resonate with tech enthusiasts and casual readers alike. Her articles strike a balance between in-depth coverage and accessibility, making them a go-to resource for anyone seeking to stay informed about the latest innovations shaping our digital world.


Google’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Soaring Thanks To AI



Google's Latest Spam Update Met with Widespread Criticism Amidst a Year of Turbulent Changes

As Google has pushed to incorporate artificial intelligence into its main businesses, with sometimes disappointing results, a problem has emerged behind the scenes: the systems required to run its AI tools have significantly increased the company’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Artificial intelligence systems require a large number of computers to function properly. Data centers, essentially warehouses full of powerful computing equipment, need massive amounts of energy to process data and handle the heat generated by all of those machines.


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Google’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Soaring Thanks To AI

According to Google’s annual environmental report, its greenhouse gas emissions have increased by 48% since 2019. The IT giant attributed the spike primarily to “increased data center energy consumption and supply chain emissions.”

Google now describes its aim of reaching net-zero emissions by 2030 as “extremely ambitious,” and says the vow will likely be influenced by “the uncertainty around the future environmental impact of AI, which is complex and difficult to predict.” In other words, the company’s sustainability push, which formerly contained the tagline “don’t be evil” in its code of conduct, has become more challenging due to artificial intelligence.

Like other internet companies, Google has invested heavily in artificial intelligence (AI), which is widely regarded as the next major technological revolution ready to revolutionize how we live, work, and consume information. The business has integrated its Gemini generative AI technology into some of its core products, including Search and Google Assistant, and CEO Sundar Pichai has described Google as an “AI-first company.”

However, AI has a significant drawback: the power-hungry data centers that Google and other Big Tech companies are investing tens of billions of dollars each quarter to develop to feed their AI goals.

To demonstrate how much more demanding AI models are than traditional computing systems, the International Energy Agency estimates that a Google search query requires 0.3 watt-hours of electricity on average, whereas a ChatGPT request typically consumes approximately 2.9 watt-hours. According to a study published in October by Dutch researcher Alex de Vries, the “worst-case scenario” implies that Google’s AI systems might someday consume as much electricity as Ireland per year, assuming full-scale AI adoption in their existing hardware and software.

“As we further integrate AI into our products, reducing emissions may be challenging due to increasing energy demands from the greater intensity of AI compute, and the emissions associated with the expected increases in our technical infrastructure investment,” said Google in its report, released Monday. It also stated that data center electricity use is currently outpacing the ability to bring carbon-free electricity sources online.

Google’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Soaring Thanks To AI

Google expects greenhouse gas emissions to climb before declining as it invests in clean energy sources like wind and geothermal to power its data centers.

The vast amounts of water required to cool data centers to prevent overheating also pose a sustainability concern. Google plans to refill 120% of the freshwater consumed in its offices and data centers by 2030; last year, it recovered only 18% of that water, a significant increase from 6% the previous year.

Google is among the companies using AI to combat climate change. A 2019 Google DeepMind research study, for example, trained an AI model on weather forecasts and historical wind turbine data to estimate wind power availability, thereby increasing the value of renewable energy to wind farmers. The corporation has also utilized AI to recommend more fuel-efficient routes to vehicles using Google Maps.

“We know that scaling AI and using it to accelerate climate action is just as crucial as addressing the environmental impact associated with it,” according to Google’s report.


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Tesla Is Now An Official Chinese Government Car




According to the state-owned media site, Tesla automobiles have been added to the Chinese government’s procurement list for the first time.

Tesla is the only foreign-owned electric vehicle brand listed in the Jiangsu provincial government’s buying catalog in eastern China. Other brands suggested include Volvo, which China’s Geely controls, and the state-owned SAIC.


Tesla | PixaBay Image

Tesla Is Now An Official Chinese Government Car

This means that the province’s government agencies and public organizations can purchase them as service vehicles, demonstrating China’s close partnership with Elon Musk’s company.

The development has gone viral on Chinese social media, with some questioning whether the government should consider using foreign cars.

According to an article by the state-owned National Business Daily on Thursday, the Jiangsu government attempted to alleviate such concerns by stating that the Tesla model is “a domestic car, not imported.”

Tesla, which has a large gigafactory in Shanghai, produced over 947,000 cars in China in 2023, most of which were used domestically.

The Jiangsu administration still needs to return CNN’s phone calls. Tesla’s Shanghai-made Model Y was featured in the government’s purchase catalog for 249,900 yuan ($34,377).

China has become an increasingly crucial market for Tesla, accounting for more than half of global EV sales and approximately one-quarter of its overall revenue last year.

However, the US automaker is now experiencing increased competition from Chinese rivals. In the fourth quarter of 2023, BYD overtook Tesla as the world’s largest EV seller. Tesla reclaimed its position in the first half of the year, although it is still neck and neck.

Due to surveillance and data security concerns, Tesla cars had previously been forbidden from accessing some Chinese government and military installations.

Those limitations were eased in April when a major auto organization announced that Tesla’s vehicles met China’s data security standards. Musk made the news the same day he visited Beijing and met with Premier Li Qiang, who praised Tesla as a “successful model” for the US-China partnership.

The European Commission stated on Thursday that it would impose additional duties of up to 37.6% on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles starting Friday.


Tesla | PixaBay Image

Tesla Is Now An Official Chinese Government Car

The tariffs first announced in early June, are considered a necessary step by the EU to stop a flood of low-cost Chinese vehicles constructed with “unfair” government subsidies.

According to the Commission, Tesla, a significant exporter of Chinese-made electric vehicles to Europe, has requested a separate tariff rate calculation. The company is currently subject to an average 20.8% extra tariff as part of a group of enterprises participating in the EU’s probe.


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Microsoft Will Pay $14M To Settle Allegations It Discriminated Against Employees Who Took Leave




SAN FRANCISCO — The California Civil Rights Department stated Wednesday that Microsoft Corp. has agreed to pay $14.4 million to settle accusations that the global software company penalized and discriminated against employees who took protected leave, such as parental or disability leave.

The proposed payment follows a multi-year probe by the California agency. The consent decree must be approved in state court in Santa Clara County, where the Redmond, Washington-based corporation maintains an office.

The state agency, which began its inquiry in 2020, claimed that employees who took time off work due to pregnancy or disability, to connect with a new infant or to care for a sick family member earned smaller bonuses and poor performance evaluations.

These variables, in turn, hindered employees’ eligibility for merit pay increases and promotions, and the practice disproportionately affected women and individuals with disabilities, the department stated.


Microsoft | AP News Image

Microsoft Will Pay $14M To Settle Allegations It Discriminated Against Employees Who Took Leave

In a statement, civil rights department head Kevin Kish praised the corporation “for coming to the table and agreeing to make the changes necessary to protect workers in California.”

Microsoft said in a statement that the agency’s charges were false but “will continue to listen, learn, and support our employees.”

As part of the proposed settlement, Microsoft will implement measures to prevent future discrimination, such as enhanced manager training. An outside consultant will track and report on the company’s compliance.

The majority of the settlement money, $14.2 million, will go to injured workers. Covered employees worked for Microsoft between May 13, 2017, and a yet-to-be-determined court approval date for the settlement, and they took at least one leave protected by state or federal law.


Microsoft | PixaBay Image

Microsoft Will Pay $14M To Settle Allegations It Discriminated Against Employees Who Took Leave

Each qualifying employee will get a base payment of $1,500, with additional funds available depending on salary and length of employment.

According to the state civil rights agency, Microsoft employs over 221,000 people worldwide, with nearly 7,000 based in California. The agency does not estimate how many workers will get paid.


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